[pinit] Today, we continue our series Pray A to Z, and D is for Depression & Mental Illness. If you’ve missed a few posts, you can get caught up on the series here. If you don’t have your printable prayer cards yet, you may download them for free, here. Many people face their mental […]
faith in action
Pray A to Z: Cancer
[pinit] Thank you for joining us on our Pray A to Z journey. If you’re new, you can catch up here: Introduction, A is for Adoption, B is for Bullying. Do you have your companion printable Pray A to Z Prayer Cards? If not, download them for free, here. To make sure you don’t miss […]
Pray A to Z: Bullying
[pinit] This is the 2nd post in the Pray A to Z series, and B is for Bullying. I will be posting each new letter and topic on Mondays and Thursdays through the end of the year. Catch up on this series with the introduction post, and A is for Adoption. If you don’t have […]
Pray A to Z: Adoption
[pinit] Have you downloaded your free Pray A to Z prayer cards? If not, you can do so here. If you missed the introduction to this series, you can read it here. Today, we kick off the guest post series on Praying A to Z for our communities, and A is for Adoption. I once […]
Pray A-Z: A Practical Guide to Praying for Your Community
[pinit] I confess sometimes when I see the needs around me, I feel overwhelmed. Friends ask me to pray for them, and I do, and my prayer list keeps growing. Sometimes, I don’t even know where or how to begin praying. Have you ever felt like that too? I’m not an expert on prayer, but […]
When More is Not Enough [interview with Amy Sullivan]
I am excited to introduce you to a new friend of mine, Amy Sullivan – blogger and author extraordinaire. Amy has just released a new book titled When More is Not Enough, How to Stop Giving Your Kids What They Want and Give Them What They Need. Here’s a quick bit about the book: “Amy […]