Thank you for joining us on this Pray A to Z journey. I hope these stories have encouraged you and prompted you to pray for your community. Would you please do me a favor? I’m looking for testimonials. If Pray A to Z has helped you, encouraged you, and sparked your prayer life, could you […]
faith in action
Pray A to Z: X (Christ)
What better prayer prompt than Christ, for the week of Christmas? (When I created this schedule, I didn’t realize how this would work out. Isn’t that cool?!) Today’s post comes from my friend and fellow writer, Andrew Rogers. —————— One of the most famous passages in the Bible is Matthew 28:16-20. Many people call this […]
Pray A to Z: Widows
We are rounding the corner to the finish line in the Pray A to Z series! Thank you for reading along, sharing these posts, and for praying with us. You may get caught up on the series here, and download your free prayer cards here. Psst…can I let you in on a secret? In early […]
6 Meaningful & Free Gifts Anyone Can Give
Congratulations to Larri & Nicci for winning the devotionals Just Sayin’ and Dare U 2 Open This Book from Zonderkidz and Carol McAdams Moore. I wish I had a book for every person who entered! You can find copies for your tweens wherever books are sold, or here and here on Amazon. Thank you all […]
Pray A to Z: Voiceless
We continue the Pray A to Z series today, and V is for Voiceless. The voiceless are always in our midst. You may not even realize they are there. Writer Lisa Van Engen combines her love of writing and social justice. Today, she highlights a number of the voiceless in our midst. ——————- Can you […]
Pray A to Z: Unity
Today’s Pray A to Z post is brought to you by the letter U, for Unity. You can get caught up on the entire series here. You can download the free, printable prayer cards here. Brenda Yoder, a counselor and educator, shares with us today. ————– As I write this post, the smoke’s still burning […]