There are moments in my career as wife/mama/home manager/housekeeper where everything comes together, and when everything and everyone behaves as it should. It’s almost as if I get a teeny, tiny glimpse of what life might have been like without an Original Sin (except that the butter and sugar are still bad for me). It’s […]
My magical world
I live in a magical world. I put a small white box on my head, and I transform into a singing, dancing pirate. My trusty little companions and I set sail in a cardboard box on the high seas fending off alligators with a kitchen spoon. When our boat takes on water, we swim safely […]
Friday Funnies
Every night while I am helping Little Miss Sunshine get into bed she looks at me and says, “Mama, you need to get all jammied!” I love it. If I ever market my own line of pajamas that will totally be my slogan. “Get all jammied.” T-Rex LOVES to be tickled. So much so, in […]
One on one
Happy Valentines Day to you all. We really aren’t into Valentine’s Day here. It feels to me like a marketing holiday, but with little kids around, what’s not to love about a day to wear red, play with construction paper and heart stickers, make cookies, and refer to each other by a new name, “Valentine”? […]
The man with the scary glasses
Otherwise known as the Dentist. Yesterday was a hallmark day. Little Miss Sunshine had her first dentist appointment. We had talked about it. We had prepared. We had even been practicing with a spin toothbrush (at the advice of my Mom) for months. She was ready for her teeth to be shiny white and clean. […]
Caught – Up
I guess the past few months caught up to me finally. Birthdays, holidays, big travels, extra stressful stuff, and when things finally settled down, my brain couldn’t handle it. Two weeks ago I barely got any sleep at all. I laid there for hours on end searching for the “off” button for my brain only […]