*congrats to Julie B. who won Prayers for Hope and Healing by Sarah Forgrave!
I sat in the waiting room, nervously tapping my foot. Behind the closed doors lay answers. Answers I may not want. But answers I needed.
One-by-one the nurses called each woman back for a turn to slip into a gown and get her answers.
I dug into my purse and pulled out a worn, spiral bound 3×5 notebook. When I first got the notebook, I scribbled 2012 in the front cover. That’s the year I started building a truth kit. It’s the year I vowed anxiety and panic would no longer rule me. At the suggestion of a friend, I’d bought a notebook and started carrying it with me.

Every time I heard a verse or encouraging line from a sermon, I wrote it down in my notebook. A few times I sat at my computer and searched biblegateway.com for all the verses related to “hope” or “strength.” I wrote each verse in my notebook, so when I needed them, when I felt myself slipping into darkness, I’d have light to cling to.
That day while waiting for my turn for answers, I pulled out my truth kit and read:
I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand I will not be shaken.
Psalm 16:8When life is heavy and had to take, go off by yourself. Enter the silence. Bow in prayer. Don’t ask questions. Wait for hope to appear.
Lamentations 3:28-29
With each verse, I offered a simple prayer: “Keep me tethered to the truth of Who You are, and who I am because of You. You are the truth that doesn’t change, no matter what answer is behind that door. You are the Answer.”
[tweetherder]God is the Truth that never changes.[/tweetherder]
Over the years, I’ve added to my truth kit. I often carry a quarter in my pocket to remind me of God’s provisions. And when I look out my kitchen window, I see the rental house God provided in the midst of the unknown and remember I should ever doubt His goodness, even when I cannot see it (because it might be right in front of my face and I just don’t know it yet!).
As I sat waiting and praying my phone chimed with text messages from supportive friends.
“I know you’re siting there waiting. I’m with you in prayer.”
“No matter what, we’re with you and we love you.”
With each reminder of truth, my spirit calmed. The truth provided courage to walk through the door and face the answers without fear or panic, because I remembered Who walks with me, no matter what answers the doctors gave.
We never know when something might knock us off our feet. We never know when fear, anxiety, panic, or trauma might strike.
That’s why I urge you to build a truth survival kit. When the lies come, when you’re tempted to slip into despair, show the enemy and his lies Who’s the BOSS.
[tweetherder]Build a truth survival kit using B.O.S.S.[/tweetherder]
When we lived in Florida, we had a hurricane kit ready in case of a storm. So my friends, why not have a truth kit ready for life’s storms?
[tweetherder]A truth kit will help you stand firm in the storms.[/tweetherder]
Build a truth kit using B.O.S.S.
- Read, Study, Meditate (think deeply about it), and Memorize it.
- [tweetherder]Be in the Word every day and know it![/tweetherder] You’ll be amazed at how just the right phrase or word will come to mind when you need it. That’s God’s Spirit bringing His truth to mind (John 14:26)
- Carry a notebook with you to write down verses that apply to things you’re struggling with. Open it and read the verses out loud when you feel yourself slipping into despair, discouragement, or doubts about God’s care for you. Or start a note on your phone!
- Download a Bible app (such as YouVersion or Bible Gateway) on your phone. Highlight meaningful verses to your situation.
- Join me as we read through the Gospels through December. Find the reading schedule and daily posts on my Instagram www.instagram.com/ameliamrhodes and Facebook pages: www.facebook.com/ameliarhodeswriter
- [tweetherder]Find objects that will remind you of the stories of the faithfulness of God in your life.[/tweetherder]
- God periodically instructed the Israelites to pile up rocks so when future generations would ask about the rocks they would recount the story of God’s faithfulness in that situation (see Joshua 4:1-8). Find your own “rocks” of remembrance.
- Surround yourself with friends who will speak the truth of Scripture to you in times of distress. Be open with your friends and let them know your struggles.
- Also, [tweetherder]be the kind of friend who is able to speak truth-filled encouragement [/tweetherder].
- [tweetherder]Build regular routines of silence into your life.[/tweetherder]
- Often beating the lies means listening to God’s voice, which requires stillness and quiet. (See 7 Ways to Build Silence into your Day)
How have the Bible, Objects of remembrance, a Supportive community, or times of Silence helped you hold onto the truth in challenging times?
Leave a comment below, and I will send one reader a 3×5 notebook filled with some of my favorite truths.
Resources to help you grow in truth:
Live Full Walk Free with DVD: Set Apart in a Sin-Soaked World (InScribed Collection)
by Cindy Bultema – a study in 1 Corinthians jam-packed with truth!
My Utmost for His Highest
– my favorite daily devotional, or read it online at https://utmost.org/
Pray A to Z: A Practical Guide to Pray for Your Community
by yours truly – filled with Scripture and truth for each hard topic we face.
*Affiliate links used in this post.
Thank you, Amelia, for this timely post. I LOVE the idea of a Truth Survival Kit and kicking the enemy’s butt with your BOSS method. My friend (just yesterday) gifted me for my birthday a small purse size notebook which I’ve already inserted one of your verses!
It was great to see you at Breathe Writers’ Conference this month.
Blessings to you & your family,
Teresa Lasher
Teresa, it was so good to see you at Breathe too! I’m so glad you were able to come and that we were able to chat. I love that you’re already starting to build a truth kit with a little notebook that a friend gave you even! So perfect. Thanks for commenting and stopping by today! <3
Thank you for giving us a opportunity to win love the boss kit
Thanks for stopping by Noelle!
Dear Amelia, you’ve weaved truth into a powerful acronym. Love! This post is a means He’s used to strengthen my heart. Bless you! all is grace, Lenae
Thank you Lenae! I’m a bit of a nerd for acronyms, mostly because they help me remember!! Bless you today!
So timely. I have been looking for my truth cards, since my move in July, and cannot find them. I just don’t have time to make another set.
PS….love the creative giveaway.
Once we’re in the habit of using something like this, it’s frustrating when it goes missing! Hope yours turn up, Lisa and that you’re getting settled in your new place!
This is so true and so well written! I have a packet of 3×5 cards with verses written on them. Last week flipping through them was often the closest I got to a formal devotional time, but they brought such peace in the middle of a difficult time. I really like the Lamentations verse you quoted above. I’m going to add that to my stack! The other points (objects of remeberance, a supportive community, and silence) are all so true too. Silence is a hard one for me, but just today my husband watched the children while I went for a short walk at the park. Breathing in the beauty of the leaves that changed color while we were in the hospital and the crisp air were refreshing for my soul! I have a friend whose husband unexpectedly passed away over the weekend. I’m going to pray about making a set of 3×5 cards for her and maybe even pointing her in the direction of this post. Thanks!
Karen, I’ve been thinking of you all and praying over the past week. So thankful to hear the good reports! AND so happy you were able to get out and have a moment of refreshment. I am so sorry to hear about your friend’s loss. I think a set of cards written out by you woul dbe such a beautiful gift. Lord, please make your presence known with this precious sister like never before. May she know the strength that comes from you and the peace that passes understanding during this heartbreaking time. Surround her with your love through the people around her who will be your hands and feet. Show Karen how she can extend your love in practical ways in the coming months and years. Thank you for being our comforter.
I love the BOSS acronym! I keep trying (some days more successfully than others) to be disciplined about daily Bible reading and prayer. I went on a silent retreat about a month ago, which was very powerful, so I have been trying to build more times of silence into my daily life. The support piece is probably the hardest one for me. Being an introvert and very private person, it’s hard to open up to other people. I have never thought about the Objects, but I like that idea, too.
Kim, I’ve found that having cards like this really helped me during the season when I struggled to get into the Bible. A silent retreat sounds wonderful! I’ve done a day here and there like that, and it is so refreshing. Silence is hard to get in the everyday, and in different seasons I’ve tried to connect silence to regular routines – like when driving or going for a walk. But yes, learning to open up to others as a private introvert is hard. I struggle with that too. I think in different seasons God will provide people, even just one person, and it makes such a different. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I’m glad you’re here.
Thank you so much for this beautiful idea! I so often find myself stressed out and anxious over the small things. I’m starting my own kit tonight! Not only will this brilliant idea help with those small anxieties, I’ll be more prepared for the hurricanes!
That is awesome, Terrie! I’m glad this is an idea you can jump on. I think you’ll find it helpful to read through them, maybe even out loud, when you find yourself feeling anxious. That’s why I keep mine close by. It helps me refocus. But let’s hope there’s no more hurricanes for awhile!! 🙂
I’ve just discovered your wonderful page and have already begun sharing. I love this BOSS method, in particular the Silence segment. In our social society, it can be easy to ignore this so important time with God. Thank you!
Thank you so much for reading, sharing, and for the encouragement, Amy. Yes, silence is so hard to carve out time for in our noisy, go-go-go society. It’s something I have to be intentional about!