Valentine’s Day. Call it what you wish – a day for looooove, a Hallmark holiday, discouragement, a time to wait in line forever at a restaurant.
No matter what you call Valentine’s Day, there’s no question that love has been mis-defined. Just take a look at what’s opening in theaters this weekend. What if we were to take time this Valentine’s Day to show true love? Not the sappy, syrupy kind. Not a form of manipulation bent on selfish pleasure. But true love, the kind of love that comes from God.
When I studied what the Bible had to say about love, I discovered this:
Love is an action verb.
Love does a lot of things. All the time.
Here are 14 ways to show true love this week, and all year long, to the people in your life.
1. Be Patient. Galatians 5:22-23
When the kids are moving like molasses, when the driver on the highway cuts you off, when the waitress gets your order wrong, show patience.
2. Do good to someone who doesn’t like (or even hates) you. Luke 6:27
3. Pray for someone who has mistreated you. Luke 6:28
4. Do for someone else what you wish someone would do for you. Luke 6:31
Know someone going through a hard time? Don’t wait for them to tell you what they need help with. Do for them what you know you’d like done for you if you were in their shoes.
5. Lend to someone without expecting a return. Luke 6:27-35
6. Build someone up. 1 Corinthians 8:1
Offer encouraging words, let them know how they’ve helped you, or just how much you appreciate them.
7. Speak the truth to someone. Ephesians 4:15
(It doesn’t have to be a hard truth. Tell someone how kind and helpful they are, or how much you appreciate their sense of humor!)
8. Urge others on to good deeds and encourage each other. Hebrews 10:24
9. Look for an opportunity to do good to someone. Galatians 6:10
10. Set an example for others by your speech and actions. 1 Timothy 4:12
Do your words and actions back up your “I love you’s”?
11. Bring peace to a situation. Galatians 5:22-23
12. Serve one another humbly. Galatians 5:13
13. Lay down your life for someone. John 15:13
This doesn’t mean you have to physically throw yourself in front of a bus for someone. But where can you set aside your own agenda, priorities, or schedule in order to help a friend or family member or neighbor?
14. Bring unity. Philippians 2:1-2
So, how can you show true love this week? Someone come to mind? A situation where you know you can act come to mind?
(This material is excerpted from my book Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? For a full discussion on loving each other, pick up a copy and share with your friends!)
[tweetherder]14 ways to show true love this Valentine’s Day.[/tweetherder]
[tweetherder]14 things the Bible has to say about what love is. #ValentinesDay [/tweetherder]
[tweetherder]Love is an action verb! 14 Actions here: [/tweetherder]
Thank you for sharing so beautifully your heart and passion for God. You don’t using tools so easily available to rant about injustices but you rather turn others toward the true source of hope and encouragement. . . God. Thank you, sweet friend!
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, Debbie Jo!
I like this, Amelia. YES, someone comes to mind (lots of someones actually!). You know how I was whining about babysitting for that local organization? Well, my girls and I are making cards for the kiddos who live there.
Yes, Amy! Go you and your girls!!
I love your list. It has such loving common sense ways of showing love and care for others. Yes, love is a verb. You’ve told such practical ways to give real love. Reminds me of the real definition of love in 1Cor. 13. Have a great week!
Yes, Myrna! 1 Cor 13 has so many practical ways to show and give love.
Thanks, Amelia, for reminding us that love is a whole lot more than roses and chocolates. Valentine’s Day should be a tribute to the second command — to love our neighbors.
Beautiful. Thanks for posting!
Thanks for the great post, Amelia! I’m curious how you add those little tweetable sayings at the end with the link to Twitter?