[tweetherder]Starting things is easy. Finishing sometimes takes everything you’ve got.[/tweetherder]
This month, the challenge is to finish the school marathon. We’re at mile 18 – far enough in the race that people are telling you “You’re almost there.” You know the finish line is close, yet you have so far to go. Everything hurts. You’re beyond tired. Your body is screaming “just give up!” This is where your mind has to stay focused on moving, one foot in front of the other.
Counting today, there are 16 more days of school left. 16. It would’ve been 14 with 2 of those being half days. But since we had the looongest winter ever, we now have 16 full days of school left. So close yet so far.
A couple days ago the kids thought it would be fun to slam their backpacks on the driveway while waiting for the bus. (A game I didn’t see until too late.) This resulted in one busted water bottle, a backpack filled with water, and a very soggy lunchbox and homework folder, all as the bus pulled to the end of the drive. I handed the folder and lunch to the child and said, “Looks like you’re carrying your stuff to school today.”
Limping. [tweetherder]We are limping to the finish. But we’re still moving.[/tweetherder]
I’m filling out reading logs as the bus pulls around the corner. Did they read? Absolutely. Do I know for how long? Nope. I’m averaging.
Yesterday, I found homework pinned to the bulletin board that was due a week ago. Oops.
But the key is we aren’t quitting. We are still moving, one foot in front of the other.
Starting things is easy. Finishing is the challenge. If we just don’t quit, we will make it.
It’s true not just with school, but with most things. Whether it’s writing a book, a project at work, a remodeling job, or just plain organizing your basement (yeah, that’s me, I started in January!) starting is the easy part.
[tweetherder]What sets you apart from the crowd is finishing.[/tweetherder]
Even if you crawl across the finish line, you’ve still finished.
Just. Don’t. Quit.
It’s no wonder that Paul urged us to press on…
12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:12-14
When relationships hit a low point,
When we don’t hear God speaking.
When we wonder if He’s left us,
Keep on reading.
Keep on praying.
Keep on loving.
Keep looking ahead.
Just. Don’t Quit.
Though battered and bruised, limping and feeling a bit lost, keep pressing on– in your calling, in your faith, in your relationships, in fighting an illness, in struggling to get well, in enduring financial trouble.
The finish line might be just around the corner.
And if the finish is farther than you thought, keep an eye out for the aid stations God gives along the way – encouraging verses, a conversation with a friend, an unexpected gift.
Just. Don’t Quit.
I needed this encouragement! We are limping. So close, yet it still feels so far away. That winter just did us in 🙂 Even if we are crawling we are still finishing. I love that. It’s so true! And maybe, just maybe we can make it.
We will finish! No matter what condition we finish in, it’s still a victory!!
This was such a beautiful encouraging post Amelia. I had to share it. Lol.. I am not a mom with kids in school but needed the sweet encouragement to press on.. just juggling alot of different hats. I also am a pampered chef director and shared this blog post with my team.. GREAT job!
Thank you Jenn!! I’m so glad it encouraged you!! Thank you for sharing it too!
Thanks Amelia! This was meaningful to me today, as we are going through a tough time. It’s important to keep our eyes fixed on the author and perfecter of our faith. I needed to read this.
Bless you, Myrna. So sorry you’re having a tough time. Keep your eyes fixed!!