Little Miss, who’s in 3rd grade this year, came home with a story she wrote for school the other day. The premise was to write a story about what might happen if your pet came to school. Except, we don’t have any pets (tragic, I know). So not only did she have to write a fictional story, she had to write about a fictional pet. I read her piece, and it made me laugh in such good ways. I asked if I could share her story with you, and she said, “yes!”
And so I give you…..
The day my hamster came to school
Have you ever seen a hamster on a roof? Well I have, and you don’t want to know about the mess it made. It all started when he carefully slipped into my backpack. He was the perfect size so I didn’t notice. And it was still dark outside.
When I got off the bus, I headed for the playground. And when I got to the playground I opened my backpack. As soon as I wasn’t looking, he hopped out of my backpack.
Then a few minutes later kids were throwing balls on the roof and that’s when Mrs. O came out to get me.
When I got into Mrs. O’s office I saw Mr. Dan out of the corner of my eye. His face was bright red and his hands were fists. And then Mr. Dan said, “Why are there droppings all the way to the roof?” I didn’t know what to say. Then I whispered, “I don’t know.” I was also wondering the same thing.
Later on that day when I went to recess the hamster was still there. And there was still kids throwing balls on the roof. Then that’s when I had an idea. Maybe if the kids keep on throwing balls up there my hamster will come down. So I waited by the building. Then I saw something running toward the edge of the roof and it came flying off! I ran out to catch it and I caught it! It was my hamster!
The next day at home I made sure there was only the things I needed for school in my backpack. And Mr. Dan wasn’t mad any more. Luckily, somebody cleaned up the droppings. Now I always remember to check my backpack before school.
And no, we won’t be getting a hamster for Christmas 🙂 But can I just tell you how incredibly fun it is to talk about writing tips and creating stories with her?!
Very cute, Little Miss! Great job!
Looks you might have a future writer on your hands. Loved reading this!
It’s never too soon to begin a career as a writer!