One of the greatest privileges on earth is the opportunity to care for one another. I think we often forget that. So often, our care for one another feels so small, so insignificant in the scheme of the great world around us. Caring often happens in small, private moments, unseen by the greater world.
A hug.
A smile.
A hot meal.
A kind word to the cashier.
A text, email or handwritten card.
A cool washcloth on a warm forehead.
Arranging blankets on a loved one who’s passed out on the couch.
In a thousand small ways, we reach out to each other and say with our actions, “I see you. I care about you. You matter.”
Too often we only hear the news stories of the great evils that people do – their crimes, their hatred, the ways they hurt each other.
Don’t get so bogged down by the noise of the news that you miss the quiet caring that happens every day in your community.

I want to offer my humble thanks for the thousands of ways that so many of you have reached out to us in the past week in the wake of my husband, Kedron’s, cancer diagnosis. Your texts, comments, phone calls, e-mails, cards, offers to bring food and watch kids, and facebook messages and comments have bolstered our courage for the coming days. We love you all.
Last year around this time, we had another health crisis. Kedron spent a day and night in the emergency room with two bulged disks. I wrote about that experience in the post “Broken but Beautiful.” Using what God taught me about the power of prayer in that experience, I wrote a devotional titled “Emergency Room Prayer.” That devotional was published last month in Chicken Soup for the Soul’s new book Devotional Stories for Wives.
As a small way of saying “thank you,” I would love to share a couple copies of this new book with some of you wonderful people. If you are a wife, or have a wife, or know a wife this book would be a great encouragement for her.
About the book:
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Devotional Stories for Wives will inspire, uplift, and counsel any woman of faith who needs a boost or reminder of God’s ever-present love as she goes through the ups and downs of daily life and marriage.
This collection of 101 unique devotionals – consisting of a scripture reading, a Chicken Soup for the Soul story, and a custom-written prayer by women of faith – will affirm God’s unconditional love and His wisdom. Women will find solace and strength in these stories that cover everything from everyday trials to tests of faith.
It’s an incredible privilege to care for one another in a marriage relationship. When Kedron and I stood at the altar 16 years ago and said, “I do,” that included “doing” cancer and sickness and depression and anxiety and a host of hard things together. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. If we have to go through this junk in life, what better way to go through it than with your best friend?
To enter the drawing for a copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul’s new book Devotional Stories for Wives (which features my story “Emergency Room Prayer”), please use the widget below. I will draw 2 winners next Monday November 11.
Thank you for your love. Thank you for your prayers.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Kedron & your family have been in our prayers ever since we heard about Kedron’s diagnosis. We are praying for the surgery tomorrow and trusting God for excellent results from the treatment and a full recovery.
Sandra, we so appreciate your prayers!!
I appreciate soooo much when you came and had lunch with me and brought me a dinner when I was recovering from my knee surgery! It meant so much to me that I am happy to return the favor! Our family is praying for Kedron and the rest of you guys! Much love from the Guseys!!!
That’s what friends are for!! <3 Thankful for community!!
Praying for you all and I’m so thankful for your words of wisdom! Thank you for sharing Amelia!
Kitty, thank you so much for the encouragement and for the prayers!
Amelia, you are an inspiration to me and if you need anything don’t hesitate to ask. I will be praying and thinking about you and your family.
Michele, you are so kind! If you see me dazed and confused in the school parking lots, just give me a gentle nudge in the right direction! lol!! Thanks for the prayers!
I will be praying for all of you.
Thank you Patty!
Praying for you and Kedron. It is during this time that God’s presence will be so real.
Thank you Jill. Anticipating the peace of his presence!
I love making meals for people. It’s a way I can serve even though I have a busy family, I can do it around my schedule and just make extra of what I was making anyways. I have several meals on my calendar to be made this month! It was also one of the best things people did for us when our babies were born.
I will be praying for your family!
Meals are such a huge help. Thank you for the prayers, Nicole,
Thanks for reaching out, Amelia, while you are the one that needs to be reached out too. Praying for you and your family.
Cheri 🙂
Praying for you and Kedron today. Phil. 4:5b-8
“The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything with prayers and petitions and thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus”
I pray that the healing power of the living God flows through Kedron & that His love saturates your marriage & that this experience takes both of you into a deeper intimacy in Christ! Looking forward to reading your story in the devotional.
You are a great women and I will be praying for you and your family. Thank you for making that meal for me and my family after I lost my dad