Summer has kicked my booty, and we’ve still got 4 1/2 weeks to go. I’ll be honest, when one of my friends on Facebook posted a countdown to school starting, I cried happy tears. Mostly, I was happy to know I’m not the only one who is ready. For some reason, we get it in our heads (or at least I do) that if we get tired of summer and late bedtimes and we can’t manage to milk pure enjoyment out of every single moment of having our precious darlings around 24/7 that we’re a bad mom and we’re doing something wrong.
Let’s be honest here. We love summer and we love our children. But at a certain point in time, everyone needs a break from each other and we’re ready for the return of routine and predictable schedules. Plus, the bottle of advil has run dry from all the “Moooooom (he/she) (hit/smacked/hurt my feelings) on purpose!!!” If you can’t commiserate with me and you think I’m a bad mom, well then, just add me to your prayer list. I obviously need it.
This past week, I looked around my house and just had to laugh.
Exhibit A – I had to make a path through the dirty clothes so I could get to my washer and dryer. An honest to goodness foot path. Someone recently said that she loved summer because it meant less laundry. I’m obviously doing something wrong. Like letting everyone wear clothes.
Exhibit B – It was 11:39 p.m. and I was packing a suitcase throwing things in a suitcase for a trip. A trip that I left for the following morning. I hadn’t even made a checklist. *gasp*
Exhibit C – My kids ate cereal for breakfast with coffee creamer as their “milk.” It was all we had. And they liked it.
We have 34 days until school starts. 34 days to make the most of every moment, or at least survive them. In those 34 days, the kids and I will be at my parents house for 5 days, Kedron is putting on an awesome conference for local non-profits, I need to write up a 30 minute talk for the conference, we are taking our first vacation as a family of 4 that involves multiple airplanes and not staying with family and friends, and I’m running a half marathon on said vacation. (I know, who goes on vacation to run a half marathon?)
With all that going on, I’m going to take a little break from blogging and social media. I want to do my best to be fully present in these 34 days of moments, not thinking “Oh I should blog/tweet/facebook that!” I’m not saying that I won’t post at all (Kedron doesn’t think I can NOT post because I love it, and he’s right), but it will be less frequent. (Now would be a great time to “like” my facebook page if you haven’t already, and have my blogs delivered to your e-mail – just hit the FB like button on the left of this post, and enter your e-mail address in the box just above the facebook like box)
I will return to a regular schedule of posting Monday & Wednesday on September 9. I’m sure I will be full of stories and adventures to share. I will also be making some changes based on the survey (which you can still fill out) answers you all gave me. I will miss you, but I promise I will return refreshed!
May the rest of your summer be blessed and full, even if it’s a bit crazy. And loud. And messy.
Haha!! Coffee creamer in the cereal. That. Is. Awesome. I don’t think u are a bad mom! I totally get it! My house is total disorder. I know my kids will benefit from more structure. I am sad to see summer slipping away. It is my favorite time for year!
Aw thanks Jen. I know, I’m sad to see it slipping away too, but this will be a great year too.
I will miss you but so glad we are connected in “real life” social media. Enjoy life, my friend!
Yes, same to you Brenda! Enjoy the rest of your summer!
I once tried orange juice on my Special K. It was a bad idea. Now I know to just eat it dry if I have no milk.
Oh, I’m gagging just thinking about that Peter!
LOVE this. I think we are clones in the parenting world this summer!! This was hilarious and real. Enjoy your break, your vacation, and your race. (PS I’d run on a vacation, too!)