Congratulations to Rachel W and Rachel H for winning the giveaways from Monday!
It’s been so fun celebrating my half birthday and the half birthday of my book Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? with you this week, that I think I’ll do it again in six months! Oh wait, that would be my actual birthday. Hey, if we only celebrate half birthdays, could that mean we eventually halve our age? Hmmm…. AND fyi, today is my husband Kedron’s actual birthday. I robbed the cradle; he’s 6 months younger than me.
So, we have a big grand prize today. Read on to see how you can enter to win!
A writer is continually indebted to her readers. Even if no one read, I would still write, but it’s a whole lot more fun and meaningful when you know someone is reading and being encouraged. Not to mention, in this continually crowded and noisy world, a writer is up the creek without a paddle if her readers don’t help spread the word about a book.
So this week, we are celebrating YOU.
I’m thankful for each of you, whether we’ve met in person or not, whether you’ve ever left a comment or not, whether this is your first time visiting or you’re a regular.
Thank you for being you.
Thank you for sharing a few minutes with me a few times a week.
Thank you for sharing my book with others. Truly, I’m beyond grateful for you.
Next week, I’ll be making a couple of announcements. In preparation for that, I’ve developed a very short survey that I would love for you to fill out. I have some questions about what YOU enjoy reading and what YOU find helpful. Because, I write for you. Yes, it’s cheaper than therapy for me :), but really, it’s for you.
To thank you for your time filling out the survey (it’s short, multiple choice, and should only take a minute or two!), and for being such awesome readers, I have a GRAND PRIZE coffee break drawing for you.
The prize package includes:
- A signed copy of Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? (for you or a friend)
- A Starbucks gift card
- A what’s your story necklace from Susie Finkbeiner
photo by Jen Gusey - A pack of hand stamped coffee themed note cards
- A copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inspiration for Writers (featuring a story that happened while writing my book).
- A bag of coffee from my favorite coffee shop in town – Ella’s (where I sat and wrote most of the book).
That’s like $40 – $50 in prizes. For realz. I love you.
Come back Friday to see if you won. Please make sure you take the short survey, and then enter the drawing below: