I’m tired of numbers in my face everywhere I turn.
As though life and its worth can be reduced to a math equation of greater than or less than, or at the very least, equal to.
He made you whole. He put the fractions of your soul back together, divided by things that claimed to multiply.
He came to rescue you.
From numbers.
From comparison.
From feeling less than.
From the need to perform.
You are enough.
Enough to cause Him to leave heaven and His Father and give up His very life.
And in Him you are more than a conqueror.
That includes conquering numbers.
Conquering comparison.
Turn off the calculator.
Plug into Him.
Let others know.
You are enough. Click to tweet.
You are not your numbers. Click to tweet.
Turn off the calculator. Plug into Him. Click to tweet.
This is true. Unfortunately, as writers, it seems our platform is all about numbers. Something is wrong with that.
I totally agree Peter. The whole platform and numbers is a constant issue and battle.
amelia–first of all, thanks for stopping by Three Way Light–I appreciate it. I’m thankful for your post here–I’m a fairly new blogger and just found out a few months ago I even HAD stats to look at………just trying to remember Jesus is my audience and if I connect/touch even one person, God has been faithful to speak through me.
Thanks for stopping by Jody! Yes, keep being faithful and remember you have an audience of One, the One who matters most!