Welcome to Birthday Bash day #4! If you haven’t entered yet to win a cd from Circle of Friends, you can still do so here. Congrats to J.J. who won a download of “Paint Chips” and a coffee break necklace!
And if you’re in the area, just a reminder that I am hosting a book release party tomorrow evening from 6:30-9:00 p.m. at Ella’s Coffee & Cuisine in downtown Lowell. I’d love to see you there!
Today I am 36. Closer to 40 than 30. And I’m totally ok with that. I’ve enjoyed the 30’s. They’ve been quite the adventure. Moving back to Michigan from Florida. Living with my in-laws for 13 months. Running a handful of half marathons and a couple full marathons. Parenting a couple of awesome kids. Married 15 1/2 years to my best friend. Oh. And writing a book.
There have been so many times over the past few weeks where all I can say is “Thank you God. Just thank you.” We’ve had our seasons of heartache. Of loss. Of darkness. Days that I thought would never, ever end. Days that I didn’t think I’d ever be able to talk about.
So in these days of goodness, I simply say “thank you” for another year. Thank you for healing, for friendships, for family, for life, for opportunities to share God’s love with others. I know dark days will come again. But there’s no sense worrying about tomorrow. Instead I give thanks for today.
Top on my list of thank-you’s is all of you who read here, and have been praying for me and encouraging me through the journey of this book.
I’d like to give some special gifts to a few of you today! I have 3 copies of “Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? Doing life together in an all-about-me kind of world” to give away today! I’ll also throw in some coffee themed items including a fabric coffee sleeve made by my mom and a special edition .
To enter, please leave a comment on this post telling me what you are thankful for this year!
For additional entries, please let me know in the comments if you’ve done any of the following:
1. Tweet about this post:
Enter to win @amrhodes book “Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break?” on her blog http://www.ameliarhodes.com/?p=3824
2. Like my author page on Facebook
3. Share this post on Facebook (you can use the buttons below this post)
4. Subscribe to my blog posts and have them delivered to your e-mail (see the link on the sidebar).
I am thankful for having met the love of my life, given my all to teaching wonderful kids, and having learned to see the future differently this year! (I have liked your facebook author page).
Thank you for sharing Jackie! I love that you have gained a new perspective on the future. Sometimes that can make all the difference in the world for today!
First off I would like to say you are a wonderful person and I am so happy that are two boys have class together. You are such a amazing woman!
I am thankful this year is my family and life! After losing my dad it has made think of what is really important and whats not.
I have liked your author page, shared, subscribed to your blog. Have a wonderful day!
Oh Jennifer, I’m so very glad that the boys are in class together and all the chances that gives me to get to know you better! I love your thankful list and have learned from you the importance of telling your loved ones today how much they mean to you.
I am thankful this year for confirmation from God and others of the desires God placed in my heart long, long ago. Looking very forward to seeing how He’s going to work it all out.
Oh Cessie, after years of waiting and then seeing God begin to fulfill desires of your heart, well that’s one of the best gifts ever. What an exciting journey! Can’t wait to hear how He works it all out too!
I am thankful that today I am breathing again, if not a lil labored but breathing all the same. I am thankful that I was blessed to wake up and see another beautiful day that The Lord has blessed me with.
This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it! Hope you’re breathing gets easier!!
I am most thankful for EVERYTHING in my life. The good & the bad. Life has taught me that you must have bad in order to appreciate the good & in most cases the GREAT!!
God has given me a fabulous husband & daughter, fantastic friends who are more like family, and the ability to enjoy them all.
Jennifer, what a great perspective to be thankful for the difficult as well. If we can learn to practice thankfulness in the midst of our challenges I think it can revolutionize our lives!!
I am thankful for my husband and 3 kids. I’m also thankful for a job that I love.
Patty, what wonderful blessings!!
Today, I’m thankful for sunshine and sparkly snow! It just reminds me that we have hope even in the middle of winter!
Happy Birthday, Sweet Amelia!
I was so thankful for sunshine and sparkly snow, well sort of the snow 🙂 too!! It is a nice hopeful break in the midst of the gray!
I am thankful for finally having graduated university.
Happy Birthday!
Veronica, congratulations!! What a wonderful accomplishment!!
I am thankful for every day that God allows me to share wtih my husband, my kids, my family, my friends, and to make a difference, in a small way for Him.
Thank you for this opportunity and also Happy Birthday!
(I also have liked your Facebook author page and get your blogs delivered right to my emails too).
Cheri, we should never underestimate those small daily things. Faithfulness in the small things adds up to Big differences in the long runs. Thank you, and blessings to you and your family!!
I’m thankful for my husband and my 3 boys – each day is a new adventure with my family. I’m looking forward to an exciting 2013. 🙂 And Amelia – your 40’s are not that bad, but enjoy the rest of your 30’s. 🙂
Laurie, I figure that each decade just gets better and better! 🙂 And what an adventure you have with your precious boys – all 4! 😉
I’m thankful for a day off, for snow, for warm slippers, a wonderful husband and two adult children, and a Savior who loves me!
Happy Birthday!
Thank you Kitty! Beautiful thankful list! Thank you for stopping by!
I am thankful that God is still on the throne, ruling and reigning in my life after sending my husband (age 49) to his eternal home (10/10/12) & 27 years of being married to my best friend…God is still caring for me. Shortly after Tom’s home-going I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I can still be thankful…because I CHOOSE to. I have an amazing family, friends and church body who encourage me. I am thankful for God’s word that sustains me on the hard days and He is the lifter of my head.
Oh Lisa, your comment brought tears to my eyes. Your choice to remain thankful and see the blessings in the midst of pain is inspiring. I love the verse that reminds us that He is the lifter of our head. Thank you for stopping by and sharing. Blessings to you.
I am thankful that I’m able to be a stay at home mom and also provide a home for foster children. It’s hard work but so worth it!
I like your author page on facebook and subscribed by email!
I’m thankful for a new job!
YAY! Congrats on the new job Rachel!