Today is November 1. And do you know what that means? In exactly two months Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? Doing life together in an all-about-me kind of world releases!
I’m just a little bit excited. Ok, really excited! It was also a year ago that I went for a long run, came up with six chapter titles and started writing. For more information on the book, check this page.
It’s incredible to look back and see what God has done in a year. If you are facing a big task, remember that when God moves you in a direction, He is faithful to equip you no matter how impossible the job may seem!
Many of you have asked how you can help spread the word about the book. Starting today, I am looking for people to join the Coffee Break Brigade!
Here are things you can to do help spread the message of the book!
*If you would like to participate in any of these, please e-mail me at amelia (at) ameliarhodes (dot) com. I’d love to send you a thank you. I’ll also send occasional updates (I promise not to flood your e-mail!), as well as how you can be entered to win prizes. Did I mention that? I will have prizes! I’ve been collecting some fun stuff to give away, and there will be gift certificates involved too 🙂 And coffee, of course.
- Word of mouth. Never discount the power of just sharing a book with a friend. How many times have you picked up a book because someone you trust recommended it? If you would like some bookmarks to give to people, please e-mail me at amelia (at) ameliarhodes (dot) com
- Share the book with your book clubs or small groups. The chapters are short and easy-to-read with discussion questions at the end of each chapter. I’m also available to come speak to your group, and if you’re not local I’d be happy to arrange a Skype or FaceTime chat. Of course, if you’re in Hawaii I might be able to arrange something 😉
- Write a review. After you’ve read the book post a review on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, and Christian (On Good Reads you could also mark the book “Want to Read.”)
- Copy and paste this link to the book on Facebook:
Just 2 months until the book “Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? Doing life together in an all-about me-kind of world” by my friend Amelia Rhodes releases!
- Copy and paste this link about the book on Twitter:
Just 2 months til the book “Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break?” by my friend @amrhodes releases!
- If you are a blogger and would like to do a review on your blog, host a give away, have me guest post, do a written interview, or even a skype interview, please let me know. Please e-mail me at amelia (at) ameliarhodes (dot) com and I can send you further details.
It’s been an exciting journey, and I can’t wait to share the book with you. Over the next two months, I’m hosting a series on the blog called “Doing Life Together.” I have some great stories to share with you from a variety of friends and other writers. You don’t want to miss it! The series will start on Monday!
Thank you all for your kind words of support and encouragement. And thank you in advance for helping to spread the word about Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? Every time I sit down to write, I think of you, and pray that God would encourage you through these words.
Can you count me in for everything???!! I’m so super excited for you and want to help in ANY WAY! Please put my name my your whole list!