Last weekend I attended the Breathe Christian Writers Conference, and it was a wonderful weekend with friends both old and new. I also had the privilege of being on the planning committee for the conference. It was incredible to see how everything came together (there were many times we wondered how this all would work out!). I stood in the lobby on Friday just amazed at all the little blessings I saw happening as old friends hugged and new friends smiled and shook hands. I watched newcomers relax and had the joy of helping people make connections. I am full. And I am exhausted.
I will share more from the conference when my brain isn’t so tired. But over the past day, I’ve had one thought that keeps recurring:
We need to celebrate more.
Yet our keynote speaker Terry Whalin said:
“Find ways to celebrate every publishing milestone you have. Mark it in your life. Don’t take it for granted.”
I think that’s important not just in a writer’s journey, but for each of us in our life journeys. Life is tough. Things get messy and complicated. It’s easy to get discouraged.
I realized that I’m not so good at celebrating. In fact, I’m downright terrible.
- I’m afraid to make too big a deal out of successes for fear of looking prideful.
- I downplay achievements as not that important.
- I’m not sure how to celebrate.
- I don’t think I’m worthy of celebrating
- I don’t take the time to stop and celebrate because I’m too focused on the next thing I have to do.
What would our lives look like if we celebrated every little milestone? What if we realized that these things are significant, and we stopped downplaying them? What if instead we focused on rejoicing and marking this as a significant event to look back at when things get tough? What if we made these celebrations an offering of praise to God?
And so I’m asking for your help. I need to celebrate. And I don’t know where to start!
Today, I turned in the galley edits for my book Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? This is the final step before the book gets printed. I’m excited. Yet nervous. And I need to mark the day, because it’s a milestone in what has been a year-long journey. But all I can think about is what I have to do next, and I’m overwhelmed.

So, how do you celebrate? What are some ideas you have to mark events like this? I’d love to hear your suggestions.
In fact, if you leave a comment and I use your idea, I have a prize for you! I’ve been collecting some fun coffee items that I will send you AND, I’ll give you a copy of my book when it releases! Just leave a comment below with your celebration ideas.
Leave a comment by 5 p.m. Thursday (so I have time to implement your idea for the weekend!). I’ll announce the winner on Friday and then report our celebration!
My friend Susie is also marking today with a celebration. Today is 3 months from when her first novel Paint Chips releases. She’s celebrating with a give away! Be sure to check it out!
Get a group of friends together and do a coffee taste test. Either drive around to the best shops in town and sample their brews, or treat yourself to 3 or 4 expensive brands you don’t normally buy, invite people over, and have a coffee party.
Oooh, I’ve never done a coffee taste test. Sounds like fun!
I’m all about this idea! Let’s do it!
Can I come too??! π
My favorite way to celebrate is with a weekend trip to a B&B with my husband. My second favorite way to celebrate is by antiquing (otherwise known as junking) with my best girlfriends. And, of course, you can’t go wrong with a nice dinner out. Oooo also close to where we live you can take a horse and carriage ride, that sounds fun.
I could use a weekend at a B&B!! Thanks for all the great suggestions!
I’m big on doing something that will last. So when you are old and gray you can look back and remember. I think you should have Ked shoot some pix of you with your galley, with the screen shot showing it submitted, etc. You need to journal that moment for no one else but you. And then you need to go to the place that gives you refuge from the crazy and gives your space room to write…Ella’s. Ask Bolin to give you a coffee treat you have never had. And then take a pix of that and journal that moment as well. Celebrating is necessary but the milestones need to be remembered, too. much love…
These are such great ideas Cindy! I used to be so much better at taking photos than I am now. I need to get better at that again.
This may sound wierd but I like to mark points of celebration or inspiration by collecting rocks from those places. I mark on them with a permanent marker about what God showed me there. I also have a “Faith Journal” where I try to record the big God stories to remind me on days I don’t feel like celebrating much. π
Caye, I love the idea of collecting rocks. Reminds me of the times God instructed the Israelites to build altars out of stones to remember significant events in their history. Thanks for the ideas!
So, I was thinking. We will most likely never have such close dates of publication like we have this time. I think we should get tattoos together to celebrate. I’m serious. π
Oh. My. Word….Word.
I love all of the ideas. I say try them all! π
I would also suggest doing something as a family. I once heard Willowcreek Church describe community as…
Where you know, and are known.
Love and are loved.
Serve and are served.
Celebrate and are celebrated.
I know it was a definition for community, but I try to remember it for my family too. I think as moms we are really good at knowing, loving, serving and celebrating our family members – but I also want to help teach my kids how to do this for others. So I say let Ked and the kids celebrate YOU. Maybe they could make you a sign or a cake or throw confetti or go out for dessert or clap their hands for you and have a dance party. Your family has played a significant role in this huge milestone, so let them help you whoop it up!
Promise you’ll take pics whatever you do (esp. if it’s a tattoo!)
I promise I’ll take pictures Cindy! Thanks for these great ideas. This prompted me to ask the kids what we should do. Oh did I get some good responses!
Amelia, I needed to read this today (selfish I admit). I received my first check in the mail today with the December issue of the very first magazine I’m published in. I experience all of the things you have posted above relating to shame and guilt. Right now I celebrate with the community of people posted in Cindy’s response – the community where it’s safe to love and who will celebrate with you. In other times of celebration, I’ve been known to:
Take our family out to eat at a really fancy place and force my kids to dress up.
Give my daughter hints of how I would like to celebrate because I know she’ll relate them to her dad and it’ll get done.
Called my mom because I know she’ll always be proud and won’t shame me for being prideful.
Do something I normally wouldn’t do – like purchase an hour massage or go shopping when I really have no business doing so.
Have a dance party at home. I love to dance and yes, I’ve done this with my kids. Leather pants and all.
Thank you so much for these reasons to celebrate. I’m celebrating with you. How Exciting!
Brenda, first of all, WHOHOO!! Congratulations to YOU! I hope you found a way to celebrate today! And thanks for the fantastic list! I did once treat the family to a show downtown, dress up and all. That is a great memory. But a dance party in leather pants? Now, that’s one I have a hard time imagining! How awesome!!
I’m terrible at celebrating too. What about a dinner out or treating yourself to something special you’ve been wanting, something not too big, but on which you wouldn’t normally splurge?
Congratulations, Amelia!
Thank you Alison! I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t celebrate well. Great ideas!
Let Susie and I throw you a surprise party….or run a marathon! LOL!
I like the idea of Ked and the kids taking you out and having some family time to celebrate! They are your bigest supporters!
Also, have a gathering at Ella’s for those who are close to you and have helped in the book writing process in someway. All your friends would love to celebrate with you! We are all so proud of you! It is not prideful of you at all. This is a milestone. This has been a dream of yours forever! <3
Ah, surprise party…um…well… lol. I am planning a party at Ella’s for the book release. I need to figure out a date soon!
Oooh! You should have a spa day. Get a massage, pedicure and your hair done. Totally treat yourself to a relaxing day!
Ahhhh, so relaxing!
Hmmm… I think I’m in the minority. My family knows I will celebrate just about anything … as small as a great day of everyone getting along for a significant amount of time, to the sun shining for the first time in 2 days. Usually it’s with a surprise dessert, or a surprise slurpy outing, or other treat otherwise withheld on a normal day. They make things up all the time. π I think celebrating could even be giving yourself permission to do nothing for the afternoon. Indulge in some time that doesn’t cost a dime but would feed your soul. On the other hand, I think a tattoo with Susie is an awesome idea too! π That has my personal vote!
Julie, I need to be more spontaneous in celebrating like you! That just sounds like fun!
Amelia, congratulations! I’m all for celebrating all the milestones. You’ve got some fabulous ideas here already, so I’ll just tell you what works for me. I find that celebrations are most fun if they are simple and immediate for the milestones along the way (signing a contract, finishing the first draft, finishing the edits, etc.) and then for the launch you can of course plan something bigger. We usually go out to eat for the in-between milestones, but after I turn the book into the publisher I go for a one-hour massage at the local Jiva spa. Then I schedule a BUNCH of social fun things with friends because most likely I’ve neglected them during the writing and editing crunch time preceding the deadline. π
Thank you Jocelyn! I love your suggestion of simple and immediate celebrations for the milestones a long the way. And a massage….oh yes….after all those hours at the keyboard! Thanks for all the great ideas!