I’ve often heard this Zig Ziglar quote at business and leadership conferences:
Aim for nothing and you will hit it every time.
I’ve never been much of a goal setter, which is amazing considering I am an incredibly task-oriented person. I’m the kind of person who makes a list that includes things I’ve already done just so I can have the satisfaction of checking them off the list. I think I made to-do lists in crayon before I was old enough to write. The scribbles meant: Throw toys all over house. Check. Plaster food on walls during lunch. Check. Dress baby brother like a girl. Check.
But there’s something about setting big goals that’s scary. To write down that you might do something big, like say write a book, carries a much bigger risk of failure than say, finishing the laundry. Ok, so I fail at finishing the laundry nearly every day, but I still check it off the list. Shhh…
When I started attending writers conferences, like Breathe, a couple years ago, I heard published authors talk about setting goals. Word count goals. Publishing goals. Daily discipline goals.
Gulp. I attended a few of these conferences before I was willing to write down any goals. To set a goal meant to begin admitting to people, “Yes, I’m a writer.”
So summer of 2011, I sat down and wrote a crazy goal.
Write a book by April 30, 2012.
I had no idea what topic I would write on or if anyone would ever publish it. But I was going to string a whole bunch of words together about something.
For a couple months I scratched out some ideas. Nothing stuck. I submitted articles. I got rejected. A lot. I even attempted to join a writers group and got accused of doing drugs while writing. I cried. But I kept moving forward.
Then in September of 2011, just a couple months after writing that crazy goal, an organization I had been blogging for, Circle of Friends, contacted me about writing a book. A real book. And their publisher already had a topic and a title. I read the e-mail at least a dozen times before I could believe it. I read the message to Kedron and he replied, “Well what are you waiting for? Tell them yes!” Still, I hesitated out of fear. What if I couldn’t really do it? “Shouldn’t I pray about it for a few days first?” He scowled at me, “You’ve already been praying about it. This is the answer. Remember that goal? You’ve always said you just needed someone to give you a topic. There it is.”
So I agreed to write the book Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? Doing life together in an all-about-me kind of world. Not only did they give me a topic, it’s one I’m super passionate about. (And I happen to love coffee too.) Learning to do life with other people and opening myself up for authentic community has turned my life upside down. I was scared to write it, because I’d never strung more than 1,500 words together on one topic before. But as I began to write and share my stories and the stories of friends, I became more and more excited. I can hardly wait to share it with you! (It releases January 1!)
But this part of this whole book thing still has me shaking my head: I received my contract and the due date was May 1, 2012. Just one day off from the goal I had written in faith having no idea what I’d write about or if anyone would even look at my writing.
It’s been a wild ride, and I’m incredibly grateful to share this book with you. In fact, just this week I received the final copy of the book before it goes to press. The publisher has done an incredible job designing it.
If you’re thinking about writing, I highly recommend the Breathe Christian Writers Conference October 12-13. This group of writers has been a huge encouragement to me over the past year as I’ve journeyed into the labyrinth of publishing. In fact, Susie and I will be co-teaching a blogging workshop there. We’d love to have you join us.
So what about you, do you set goals? Have you ever met a goal that you thought was impossible?
Well, I’m not sharing my goal…because I need to write up my post. 🙂
But, I am looking forward to having your book in my hands! Not long!!!
I anticipate reading your post 😉 And reading YOUR book too! So soon!
Proud of you! <3
<3 I just took a few steps at a time trusting God would show me what was next!
Great job Amelia! I could use a life coach to help me set some goals! Seriously! Do you do social media advising and goal setting as well?! Hehe.
Lol! You crack me up Lisa. Me life coach? Ah no. I’m fumbling my way through it all too. But I’d be happy to fumble along with you!
It’s been a wild ride for you indeed. I’m so excited for you and inspired by your story. Thanks for sharing it.
See you at the conference!
Thank you Peter. I look forward to meeting you in a week!
Amelia, I did not know your book-writing journey until this post. Amazing! And reassuring for me, as I just set that same goal in December 2011. I would say I am 75% finished (sans editing). Praying I will find a publisher! Do you know of any online writing clubs/groups? And if I can go to one conference next year, Speak Up or Breathe? Or another?? Thanks for doing what you love and sharing.
JJ, Way to go!! I’ll pray for you too. Even after just hearing pieces of your story, I know that God will use your life and words for His glory. Let me do a little checking around for you on online writing clubs and groups and I’ll send you a message about Speak Up and Breathe.
So many part of this I love! Most of all, truth in your testimony. Your testimony is about setting a goal, praying, being faithful in working towards that goal, and praising God when He provides the opportunity to reach the goal! This is so refreshing because often we set goals but forget about them while we are working towards them!
Four years ago this fall, I left my classroom to go back to grad school full time to get a degree in something that would allow me part-time or full-time & flexible employment the remaining years my children are home. This summer when I was offered a part-time school counseling position simultaneously along side a full-time position, I was confused – which one to take? Then I realized what I had been working towards and been praying for was actually handed to me (duh!). God has provided for you so faithfully. Your story is a testimony to the miracles He performs. That’s the kind of God He is. Thank you for sharing this!
Brenda, Thank you for sharing part of your story too. Isn’t it funny that sometimes when God opens a door, we still don’t realize that it’s Him opening the door? I’ve always asked God to make things really clear because I know how oblivious I am and will most likely miss it! It’s one thing to set a goal and work towards it. It’s another thing to set a goal and work towards it and leave the end result to God. I’m still in that boat. The book is practically to press, but I still don’t control the end result!