Have you ever been nervous about a new situation or opportunity? Even though your head knows it will work out, you can’t seem to stop your stomach from practicing boy scout knots?
Little Miss, who loves school so much that she even prayed for more math homework, has been dreading going back to school. Every time the subject comes up, those knots tighten in her stomach.
In our district, preschool, kindergarten and first grade are in a building by themselves. This year, she moves to the larger elementary that houses second through fifth grade.
In recent weeks she keeps saying, “I don’t want to go there. It’s too big. It’s scary. Why can’t second grade be in the old building?”
“Honey, you’re going to be with all your friends. You’re going to know all the kids from first grade,” I tried to re-assure her.
It’s such an awful feeling to see your child weighed down by fear. Nothing I said made any difference.
When I saw these school supplies from DaySpring, and this fun little stuffed animal named Dweeber from their new Uneek line, I began to formulate a plan. I thought these folders and notebooks with messages that “Jesus is my BFF” and that “Forever is in my future,” might be good reminders that she’s not alone at school.
I gave Little Miss the notebooks and folders, and she adored them. Not to mention they match her new pink backpack.
But the item she really loved was Dweeber. She hugged him to her chest and asked, “Can I take him to school with me?”

An idea hit me. We dubbed him the “backpack buddy.” I told Little Miss to remember every time she sees Dweeber in her backpack that she’s not alone. Daddy and I will always be there for her, and so will Jesus.
Her posture immediately changed. I saw this peace and assurance wash over her face. She hugged Dweeber to her chest, and I haven’t heard another word about not wanting to go back to school. Instead she says, “Mommy gave Dweeber to me so I would remember that she and Daddy and Jesus are always there for me.”
Throughout the Bible, God instructed His people to set up physical reminders of His words and His work.
When God parted the Jordan River for the Israelites to cross into the Promised Land, He instructed them to take twelve stones from the river and build a memorial so they and their children would always remember what He did for them that day (Joshua 4).
Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper so His followers would remember what He did for them on the cross (Luke 22).
We are physical people who need physical reminders of God’s love and care for us.
So, Dweeber isn’t just a little pink stuffed animal with blue hair. He’s also a reminder to Little Miss of how much her family and God care for her.
Dayspring makes a matching card for Dweeber that I plan to put one under Little Miss’s breakfast plate the first day of school. Inside the card says, “I’ll always be hair for you,” with the accompanying verse,
“He pays even greater attention to you, down to the last detail – even numbering the hairs on your head!” Matthew 10:30 MSG.
Have you ever set up a physical reminder of God’s truths and the work He has done in your life? If not, can you think of something you might be able to do? I’d love you hear your thoughts!
Dayspring has a great line up of back to school supplies for both boys and girls. Be sure to check them out, along with the adorable line of Uneeks, like Dweeber, and their coordinating cards.
*I’d like to thank Dayspring for providing these products for me to review. The opinions expressed are mine.
Amelia, great ideas for being sensitive to your daughter! These are practical tools I use with kids at school! For me, there was a rock I picked up from a walk one time when I resigned in my spirit to stop fighting with my husband over something that was damaging our marriage. God speaks about Ebenezer stones to mark things in our life. This will be a “stone” in your daughter’s life. Beautiful!
Enjoyed reading your story. That was a wonderful reminder of the physical reminders of things God has done for us. I need to keep more of those or at least make better notes of the ones God has given me, lest I forget! Thanks for sharing!