Somehow, I had forgotten that the valley always follows the mountain. Seasoned writers and friends warned me. I thought I was prepared. Yet, I find myself skidding down a rocky slope after turning in the book manuscript. After a few days of telling Kedron, “I just don’t know what’s wrong with me! I guess I’m in a funk!” I realized, I’m in the valley.
Valleys can be beautiful too. They offer a season of rest and retreat, a time to recover from the climb.
A baseball game with the family, stopping to chat with a few neighbors on a walk around the block, a great sermon at church, a movie with the family, and an honest conversation with a friend all helped lift my spirits a bit.
After you’ve finished something big, and you slide into the valley –what things help you to re-focus and replenish your body, mind and spirit? Do you have favorite music you listen to? Favorite verses you read? A classic book you pick up? I’d love to hear what helps you!
One of my favorite pick me ups during valley seasons is to grab o cup of tea and a book of poetry. Robert Frost or Christina Rosetti or even Emily Dickinson. It relaxes me and helps me remember why I love words. Amelia, read some poetry. It’s good for the soul. Love you
Ooh, I just picked up some Emily Dickinson recently when it was free on Kindle! I’ll curl up with some tension tamer tea and Emily! <3 u too Susie!
Lose yourself in something you love and has fairly instant results. For me, that is usually photography or getting list in a good book — almost always fiction after a big project. And let me say a hammock is an amazing investment for your soul!!
I remember a big valley after I finished the website at work. Almost a year of my life in that project.
Praying you thru the valley..
Cindy we have a hammock stand, we just need a hammock. It didn’t survive the move north! Time to replace!! Thank you for the prayers!
Running??? Maybe that would help! just sayin…. 😉
Yes, that always helps clear my head, get me thinking and praying right!