I remember sitting in the center of my pink bedroom in junior high, thinking that someday I would write a book. It was an odd thought to me, but I felt a deep impression that it was something I should do. Although I have always loved words and stories for as long as I can remember talking, I wasn’t one to journal my thoughts and memories regularly (something I probably should start doing!).
The thought of writing a book never went away. I tried to forget about it, but it kept coming back like a boomerang.
Over the past few years as I have taken steps forward in my writing, God has opened some exciting doors for me to share the stories of life and how they fit into His greater story. One of those doors that has blessed me not only by allowing me to share stories, but in gaining a wonderful group of friends is the Circle of Friends Ministry.
A few months ago, Circle of Friends asked if I would partner with them in writing a book for a series of Christian living titles they are creating with Barbour publishing. The books are short, easy to read, and filled with humor and Biblical insight. The first title Do These Jeans Make Me Look Fat? Breaking the Cultural Mirror by Jocelyn Hamsher releases next month. I have read it, and you will love it!
I was so humbled by their offer to write a book for them. One of the God moments came as I realized I have always said, “I’d love to write a book someday, but I have no idea what I’d write about.” When they sent me the offer to write, they also sent a list of topics and titles to choose from. The one that jumped out at me was on relationships and doing life together.
Today, I mailed off two sets of contracts. I walked out of the Post Office shaking my head. It all seemed surreal, and such a gift. Yet with the gift comes great responsibility.
I would greatly appreciate your prayers as I embark on this journey. My life doesn’t give me Grand Canyons of time to write. Instead, I have small cracks here and there, and I must learn to see them and take advantage of each one. I’m also realizing that I will be growing through the material. I’ve found that I’ve only been able to write small chunks at a time because God is challenging and changing me as I write. I have already faced personal obstacles, directly related to doing life together and living in community. I promise you, what ends up in the book is going to be authentic!
Thanks as always for your encouragement here! Now, as the agent instructed…. I’m off to my cave to write. Hopefully my family will throw in presents and food on Christmas Day 🙂
Congratulations! You will do fantastic! Praying God leads as you type…or write your book.
Way to go! I am so happy for you and can’t wait to read it!
How exciting…so cool to see how God puts desires in our hearts and then brings them to fruition!
I am excited for you. Having read some of your blogs, I think it will come naturally to you. I’ll be praying that God will give you the thoughts, words, and time to put them on paper (metaphorically speaking, of course).
Follow your dream. One of my mantras has been, “Dream big. You may not do all that you dream, but you’ll certainly never do more.”
You rock! Very exciting! I LOVE the first title! I can’t wait to read it.
Yeah! What an exciting opportunity! I will be praying for you, and can’t wait to read your book when it is released. Hooray!