When I was pregnant with T-Rex, we didn’t find out if we were having a boy or a girl; but for nine months, I was fairly certain he was a boy. Call it mother’s intuition, I guess. I remember kissing and hugging on Little Miss and wondering if a boy would be as huggable and kissable. I remembered that this morning when he crawled into bed with us to snuggle. I squeezed him and whispered, “Happy 5th Birthday, T-Rex!”
He smiled a sleepy grin, his blonde hair sticking out every which way. He’s the snuggliest, huggiest boy I know. We spent some time on the couch this morning reading some of his new birthday books, and he leaned his head on my shoulder the entire time. I hope he never outgrows snuggling me. I told him that I was pretty tired today (from a weekend of birthday celebrations!), and he asked, “Didn’t you get enough snuggles?” He then tucked a blanket over us and we snuggled for awhile.
Best presents ever. And it wasn’t even my birthday.
And as I type this, I hear a cat “meowing” the happy birthday song, which means T-Rex is playing with his singing cards instead of sleeping 🙂