Kedron and I have enjoyed hearing the stories come home from school recently. Little Miss has a very good friend who happens to be a boy. He’s super sweet and apparently has a crush on her. The other day she came home from school and announced, “K told me he loved me and kissed me at recess today!” Trying not to appear too shocked, I casually replied, “Oh really? And where did he kiss you?” She pointed to her ribs, and then said with a slightly annoyed face, “It was really weird!” We got some good chuckles out of it, and when I told little K’s Mom, who is a good friend of mine, she about fell out of her chair. Yesterday, she came home saying, “K kissed me again! This time on the shoulder!! We were standing in line after recess!!” T-Rex asked her, “Well did you kiss him back?” Little Miss shrieked, “EWWW!! NO!!!! I’m not kissing a boy until I get married!!!!” And I am bookmarking this post to show her again in a few years!!
T-Rex is loving school and his favorite class is art. No surprise there considering his Daddy is a designer. This week after school he announced, “You should have seen me in art today! I was AWESOME!!” It’s been such a joy to see him start to come out of his shell. A year ago I was nervous about sending him to school, but when the time came, he was so ready and so excited, I couldn’t even be sad that he’s all grown up. He’s blossoming.
He’s been having a little bit of trouble with a girl at school. She apparently has pushed him in line a couple times. After we encouraged him to talk to the teacher if it happens again, and applauded him for doing the right thing by not pushing back and asking her to stop, he looked at us with a serious face and said, “And she is FIVE!! She should know better!!” And then he cocked his head as if confused and said, “But she’s also nice to me because sometimes she cleans up my space at the table after snack!” And now he’s learning that when it comes to girls, you never know what to expect!
And, I leave you with our latest family portrait, as seen through the eyes of our artist T-Rex.
Such great memories that are being built! And I love the family portrait!
Love it (just not so sure about the kissing in 1st grade!) 😉 . I was just wondering how the kids were doing at school so your post put a smile on my face.
Ok, having trouble with the comments (I’m sure it’s something on my end) so you may have this multiple times!
Clicked over from Cindy’s.
Love your name. I have an Amelia. She’s eight and way sassy.
Can’t wait to bounce around your place a bit.
Susan, I know right!! They are doing well, can’t wait to see you next month!!
Thanks so much for stopping by Amy. Great choice of name for your daughter 🙂