One thing I’m learning in my few short years of motherhood is to trust my intuition, even when the “experts” say I’m wrong. When it comes to my kids – I’m the expert.
Over the past couple years, Kedron and I have wondered if T-Rex’s hearing was 100%. We started to wonder when he was a toddler and we got a slew of “huh?” and “what?” over and over and over. It’s one thing for a kid to do that once in awhile, but it seemed for periods of time he would say that nonstop. However, his speech was not delayed nor slurred, so I knew he was hearing ok, and he never had any ear infections.
At his 3 year appointment I asked the doctor if we could check his hearing. He said at 3 it’s hard to get an accurate reading because they have to understand the directions and cooperate fully. It’s hit and miss. He said more likely it was a case of that male selective hearing. We joked about how men have the knack of “not hearing” the females in their lives, especially when it requires them to do something, which is nearly all the time!
So here we are nearly two years later, with a required hearing test for kindergarten. And the result? His left ear failed. He heard the 3 beeps in the right ear, and only 1 in the left, “Maybe 2, Mama, I’m not sure.”
The nurse was going to write it off, saying maybe there was wax in his ear, or he just didn’t respond to the beeps and raise his hand in time. I pushed my intuition to the front this time, and requested that someone look in his ear to make sure it wasn’t blocked with wax. I could tell by his mannerisms that he really didn’t hear the beeps.
So she went and grabbed a nurse practitioner who took a quick peep in his ears and said there was no wax build up and that we should go see an audiologist. Music to my ears. She said at an ENT office the audiologist can give a more acuurate test in a sound proof room and if they discover something, the specialists are right there in the same office.
Last night when Kedron got home he asked T-Rex, so which ear is it that you can’t hear as well out of. T-Rex replied, “What?” Kedron repeated himself and T-Rex pointed to his left ear. Then Kedron leaned over and whispered in that ear, “Can you hear me?” T-Rex started giggling, “YES!!”
I think he’ll be fine, but I’m glad to be headed in the direction of answers! Don’t ignore those little voices inside you that let you know when something isn’t quite right, even if the “experts” don’t agree! God gives you that sense of knowing for a reason!
Have any of you had similar experiences in your intuition being right?
Yes, yes and yes again! I remember one of Ed’s prof’s saying that our gut feeling is there for a reason. That’s how God created us. We’ve learned to dismiss it, thinking it’s not accurate, when all along it is. Anytime I have that gut feeling, whether about my kids, a decision, anything, I go with it. And it’s always spot on. 🙂 Thanks for this post Amelia!
I’m a HUGE believer in female intuition. God has given that as a special gift. And I really think that it’s often the Holy Spirit prodding us.
Jean, I always regret when I don’t listen to that voice. There have been so many times that you’d think I’d have learned by now!!
Susie, I have to agree, I think it often is the Holy Spirit if we’d just be still enough to really listen!