Summer has new meaning this year. 89 days. 89 days of (hopefully) warm weather (you never know here in Michigan!) 89 days before both kids are in school. 89 days of fun, fun, fun. 89 days of keeping kids out of each other’s hair…and mine.
My summer writing will be focused elsewhere (when I have time that is). But I promise you, my dear bloggy friends, lots of pictures from these 89 days and snippets of enjoying life to its fullest. May your summer be warm and happy!!
Without further ado….
Day 1:
Planting a “friend” garden (because to have a “friendship” garden according to Little Miss, you must have flowers from more than one family of friends. These dear friends are moving away and gave their flowers to my kids’ little flower garden.
Day 2- 4:
Staying at a lake in Ohio with friends.
Getting dumped off the jet ski fully clothed by Ked (not on purpose…or so he says.)
Playing euchre so late into the night that we laugh ourselves silly.
Taking a nap in a recliner, just because. Until someone walks by and tips the recliner back on your head scaring the pee out of you.
Watching a friend gain her courage to run the jet ski full throttle and scream her head off while doing so.
Watching the kids ask Daddy/”Uncle Ked” for just one more ride, and him loving every minute of it.
Seeing the tire blow on the jet ski trailer and screaming as we scramble for a phone to call the guys and tell them.
S’mores with reeses peanut butter cups.
Sticky marshmallow in little kid’s hair.
Feasting on grilled burgers made from local cow – amazingly delicious!
Sitting on a deck with a friend, a cup of coffee, feet propped up, and listening to the water and the wind and the birds and hearing kids voices happily playing in the distance.
Little Miss happily announcing “I’ve never been tubing before!!” while being pulled on a tube behind…a paddle boat!
T-Rex grinning “That was fun!!” after accidentally getting dumped off the jet ski with Daddy (while coasting in slowly to park!)
Lol! Loved this!!! Great memories for sure!!!!