This past weekend marked one year since we first clutched our new house keys, teary-eyed almost afraid to believe it was true. We happily slapped paint on the walls and it felt like Christmas for weeks as we opened boxes of things we hadn’t seen in over a year. It had been 13 months since I’d sat on the red couch I got off Freecycle and spent a weekend recovering. It had been a year since I had slept in my own bed. Now that’s something to celebrate.
And while we were eternally grateful to be able to live with Ked’s parents during that trasition time, we were thrilled to stretch our legs and settle in to a new life in a new town.
Now I sit here, at my kitchen table, a year later, and this is the moment I dreamed of during that transition time. I couldn’t wait for the point in time when that land between of not knowing what was going to happen next, or if our house in Florida would ever sell or if we’d ever find a new house, would be a foggy memory.
I squint my eyes really hard and scrunch my brain up and the fog parts a little bit and I remember. Crying, doubting, wondering, wishing, being impatient, grasping at my faith, holding on to a future I was unsure of. As I squint to view that not-so-distant past, I see a few bright lights – the steadiness of Ked, the encouragement of dear friends, the patience of my in-laws, the joy of my kids during the world’s “longest sleepover.”
If you’re in a season of change and transition and not knowing what is next, hang on. One day, it will be a distant memory. Look to those in your life who are shining the lights of truth and love, and lean into those lights. They’ll help guide you through safely.
Happy First Year! I’m so thankful for you and your family and all the blessings that are in your lives! And you have all been a huge blessing to our family.
I can’t believe it’s been a year already! We are still so thrilled for you guys! You waited a loooong time. Your house is absolutely beautiful! Most of all, we are so happy that decided to move back to MI! Love you guys!
Thank you both! I can’t believe it either! Your families are blessings to us as well!