Little Miss Sunshine has become quite the reader over the past year. I’m not surprised, yet it’s still been amazing to watch as a parent. I found this post from a couple years ago and it reminded me a) somethings never change – she still reads to T-Rex, and he still hangs on her every word. b) so MUCH has changed in two years, as in she actually really can read. Enjoy this oldie but goodie!
Originally posted January 25, 2009 (They would have been 4 and 2 at the time)
I had a massive volume of all the Jane Austen books sitting on the coffee table the other day when iIttle Miss picked it up and decided to “read” it with T-Rex. They took turns flipping the pages making up stories.
LMS: “Once upon a time far, far away, there was a little girl. Ok, your turn, T-Rex.”
T: “Once upon a time, der was a leetle boy. He went to da store to get medicine for da baby.”
LMS: “My turn again!”
They continued this little scenario for a few minutes while my mother-in-law, Housemate and I watched. Then Little Miss said, “Do you like this story, do you want to read more?” After T-Rex excitedly answered “YES!” They snuggled deeper into the couch and T-Rex clutched Little Miss’s arm and leaned in closer than I thought was possible. She took a deep breath and said,
LMS: “R”
T: “OOOOOOOHHHH!!” in the most awe-filled voice you can imagine.
LMS: “Q”
LMS: “T”
By this time we couldn’t hold it any longer, and my mother-in-law, Housemate and I giggled and laughed until we had tears rolling down our cheeks. She literally was naming letters and he was hanging on her every word, er um letter, as if it was the most brilliant awe-inspiring thing he had ever heard. Now, that’s powerful!
I hope their love of language and reading will last their whole life!