I came home last weekend from Ohio as green as their grass with envy. Actually, our grass here in Michigan is green, but it’s nearly the only green thing. The trees in my parents’ town are loaded with green leaves, the magnolia trees are covered in dessert plate sized blooms and their gardens are filled with a rainbow of flowers. I look out my window and see brown, bare, brown.
I was convinced that spring had forgotten us until I went for a run this afternoon. As I ran a six-mile loop, I noticed the streets were lined with purple wildflowers! And then as I passed a section of trees I noticed tiny green buds poking out of each branch. I nearly squealed in delight. Finally, signs of spring growth on the trees!
It’s also easy for me to get envious of what God is doing in others’ lives. (I know, ironic, sinning over the great work He’s doing for someone else. Clue #1 maybe?) But honestly, when I see someone else using their gifts in ways I often dream of, I feel like the barren trees surrounding my house. I wonder if there’s life left in me, or maybe it’s too late, or maybe He’s bypassing me to use someone else.
But as I ran today, the delayed Michigan spring reminded me that just as each region has a unique growing season – so do we as individuals. It’s not that I’ve been forgotten, my growing season is just different.
So, I look for those tiny signs of growth –
I look at my life in the sunlight of His Word.
I read an email from someone, encouraging me to keep going forward.
Those who know my heart best urge me on when I doubt.
And I look for weeds choking out new growth.
Like Envy.
Life is life, no matter how small it may be or how long it may take to grow. Stay faithful, and God will bring fruit in just the right season.
Phillipians 1
3 I thank my God every time I remember you. 4 In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
You need to submit THIS ONE!!! I love it! And I SO needed it today.
I agree with Susie!! Great work, Amelia! So beautifully put!!!
Amelia I so know what you talking about!! I was in MD this last week and it was so beautiful along with I am constantly catching myself worrying over my lack of “success” compared with some one else in ministry. God is faithful, thanks for the reminder.