I have a nasty habit of running my gas tank dry. My husband has resigned himself to the fact that every time he gets in my car, the orange needle will be resting on “E.” Unfortunately, this habit of running on empty doesn’t apply just to my car.
Read the rest of the story on the (in)courage blog here!
Loved this! I can so relate. Ironically, my husband and I just ran the half in Nashville today AND we just filled up our gas tank. Takin some time with the Lord in a moment to fill up, thanks so much for writing…
Heather, I wrote this before gas was $4 a gallon! Seems like we all have fuel on the mind lately and how much it can cost! Congrats on running the half today, hope it went well! Praying you are filled to the brim today in all areas, Thank you for stopping by!
Hi Amelia,
I love this post and can so relate. What a great word picture to remind me that all this going and blowing without Him will eventually cost me more time, energy, and angst than taking a short time out with Him every day. I am guilty of this pretty often!!
Amanda, thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. It seems like the cost of fueling (and literally at the pump these days!) can be so much, yet to not fill up daily costs so much more. I too am so guilty! It’s a journey I’m on!