Last Saturday my training buddy, Jen, and I ran our first double digits for the season – 10 miles. Because of the flu, I hadn’t run for a week, and I was a bit nervous. It hurt. But I did it.

About mile 7 we were standing on a street corner waiting for our walk sign, when calamity nearly struck. Literally. The little “walk” man lit up just as I saw a mini-van pull up next to us, preparing to turn right, across our path. For some reason, I had a hunch the woman driver didn’t see us. Sure enough, just as Jen started to take her first step into the street, the driver, with her head still turned the other direction, hit the gas and started to turn. I yelled, “Jen wait!!!” My hand flew up and grabbed the hood on her sweatshirt and yanked her back to the sidewalk. She shrieked, and her leg flew into the air as I caught her mid-stride and pulled her to safety. I’m not sure the driver ever saw us. The other drivers at the stoplight did though. They all sat there with their mouths hanging open in disbelief at the accident they nearly witnessed.
We crossed the street, hearts racing, and I forgot to start my watch again until about a half mile down the road. It’s not often that you get to say that you saved someone’s life. Jen chuckled that she’s used to running out in the country where there’s no traffic, therefore she’s not street smart. That will be a run to remember.
While I may have saved her life that day, there have been countless times that she, and many other friends over the years, have saved mine. While they may not have yanked me back to the street corner by my hood, they’ve offered friendship and encouragement through some of my darkest hours – many times unaware of the life they’ve breathed into me. I’m blessed to have friends who are sensitive to God’s promptings and will contact me in some form just to say “I’m thinking of you. I’m praying for you.” At other times, when I’ve poured out my heart, they fill it back up with the words of Jesus and give me the strength to endure for one more day.
To all of you who’ve had my back over the years, thank you. To those of you reading whom I’ve never met – thank you for reading and letting me share my life with you.
Who’s got your back? Who might God be asking you to look out for today?
And they say running is good for your health? Smucked by a van doesn’t sound healthy. A good workout is doing a puppet show with a puppet on both hands. No, been there, done that, don’t want to do it again. What about a spoon in both hands eating coco puffs? Ya, now that I can do. What a work out!
Oh my goodness! I’m glad you were aware! That would have been awful!
Who has my back? YOU have my back. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been brought back to my senses and reason through your encouraging words. 🙂
So glad you had my back that day! Whew! You almost lost your running partner! Thanks again! I do appreciate your friendship, your listening ear and your encouraging advise. It means the world to me. Love ya!
haha, Dad! I know how much you love running!
Susie, AWW!! And you’ve had mine so many times this past year too!!
Jen, that would not have been cool! I’ll never forget you shrieking as I choked you back to the sidewalk! So thankful for you!