If you ever want to know the honest truth about something, ask a 4-6 year old.
I got my hair cut and colored last week for my birthday. The stylist also showed me how to make this curly, frizzy mop on top sleek, shiny and smooth. Of course, when I attempt to straighten my hair it looks like I stuck my finger in a light socket. Thank goodness for a flat iron.
When I went into Little Miss’s kindergarten class to help today, the children were all quite curious about my hair.
“Your hair is flat.”
“She got a haircut.”
“Why is it all flat?
“Your hair looks different.”
“She got it cut I told you.”
“No she didn’t.”
I finally got a word in. “Yes, I did get a haircut. And I straightened it, that’s why it’s flat.”
The group surrounding me looked at each other in surprise and with I-told-you-so’s. I waited for the final verdict on my hair. One boy spoke up for the group.
However, I did not fare quite as well with T-Rex this morning. I was playing legos with him when he looked at me and said, “You’re just ruining things. You should go clean now!” When I pointed out that I fixed the shark for him he replied, “Yeah, but you BROKE the space ship.”
Win some. Lose some.
Oh…so true! No filter on kids!
One time (while I was working at a daycare as a Bible teacher) I dyed my hair…and it turned out FAR more red than intended. One kid said “Your head looks like it’s bleeding”. Another said “Your hair’s freaking me out”. So sweet!
OH now that is classic Susie! Bleeding hair. lol!
I like that he thought you would be cleaning if not for playing with him. Priceless!
lol! I know! I guess that’s what I do…