Million Dollar Moment #14
Of all the things that we look forward to as parents – first smile, first tooth, first steps, first words – there are so many things along the way that you never realize will be memorable milestones – like the first time they attach a real name to a toy, or the first time they tell you about a dream.
The other day, T-Rex told me about a dream he had while sleeping in the car. It’s the first time he’s ever re-told a dream to me, and it had me and Little Miss in stitches.
T-Rex: When I was in the car and sleeping, I was dreaming about a man, and every time he opened his mouth, cheese came out. It was like when a dragon breathes fire, but it was a man and he breathed cheese.
Little Miss: He was a cheese breathing dragon?
T-Rex: No, he was a man. He was a cheese breathing man.
And by this time, all three of us were cracking up. I knew he loved dragons. He apparently loves cheese too!
He does love dragons – maybe because his fav color is green? I wonder if he would like green cheese? Let’s not test that out. 🙂
No not green cheese maybe green eggs and ham, Sam I am?
j/k I love T-Rex maybe he will be a great writer some day re-telling his dreams with lots of imagination!!!