I think I have a mini wordsmith on my hands. Little Miss has taken her vocabulary to new heights. I remember the days when I would revel at each new word and laugh at how she would mimic our own quirky phrases. These days, however, I can’t keep up with her. This morning she informed me that “vehicle is another word for car.” You are so correct my 5-year-old sweetie. Then this afternoon she told me that “you use the word surprise when you didn’t expect something.” Wow. Pretty accurate description. She’s constantly asking, “What is that? What does that mean?” I really do need to get a little pocket dictionary to keep handy. She’s challenging my powers of description. Pretty soon she’ll be proofreading my blogs and making corrections. Ok, now that’s scary and probably not that far from the truth. I have a few high school friends who are now snickering and waiting on the edge of their seat for that day. I was, ahem, “famous” for replying to notes in school with spelling and grammar corrections. So sorry for the scars, dear friends.
This afternoon Nana and I were talking about someone getting ready to graduate from law school and become a lawyer. Lil Miss asked, “What’s a lawyer?” That’s kind of hard one to describe in terms for a 5-year-old to understand. We fumbled our way through it until her satisfied response was, “I think I might like to be one of those some day.” Oh mercy. We won’t even go there, because she already soooo has the powers of persuasion. I remember a couple years ago one of my brother-in-laws trying to convince her of something that she just would not buy. For every reason he presented, she had a valid objection. I finally ended the debate with, “Bro, just give up. You won’t win. Admit that you lost a debate to a 3-year-old!”
And the last laugh of my day was this conversation: After playing with some Cinderella stickers that said, “Follow your dreams” Little Miss decided it was her job to find out what the dreams of everyone in the house are. She asked me, “Mama, what’s your dream?” I looked at her and said, “Well, besides being married to your Daddy and being your Mama? I would have to say…writing a book.” She looked at me and said very matter-of-factly, “That dream will come true.” I raised my eyebrows at her certainty and said, “Oh really?” With the same confident air she said, “Yes. You can write your book on paper and draw your pictures and staple it together. Now what’s another dream you have?” Love that girl and her confidence. Can I borrow some from her?
Hee! I so vividly remember defining words for her too! She’ll keep you on your toes, that one 😉
Those are some awesome stories! I love that you are writing again – I’m thoroughly enjoying reading your blogs!
Lol! She started early, didn’t she Joy?
Thank you Heather! It’s good to be back 🙂
These are precious precious times. Those little brains positively soak up knowledge, so fast it’s hard to believe. Blog like the wind!
Such an amazing process to watch, Topher. 🙂 Thank you!
I can’t wait to read your book…she’s right, you can absolutely do that!
Aw, thanks Erica! Can’t wait to get my hands on your kid series too! Whohoo!!