I married into a superhero-loving household. My husband grew up on a steady diet of comic books and thinks he’s Superman. He actually really is. Just don’t tell anyone else. In fact, I was quickly immersed into the world of superheroes. He discovered on our honeymoon that I had never seen any of the Batman movies. Since there was a new Batman movie coming out that year, I had to catch up on the series. We rented and watched all the Batman movies in a Batman movie marathon one night on our honeymoon. I dreamed about the Batmobile that night! No joke! And I was hooked.
The superhero culture has continued in our home, especially now that we have kids. They have capes and run around the house with their initialed fabric flying behind them. I’ve now seen almost all the superhero movies. I ask The Narrator a ton of questions during each one, and he fills me in on back stories that only an avid comic book reader would know. I really loved Dark Knight and Iron Man. Those might be my favorite two of recent years.
I was thinking the other day about my superhero identity. I was getting ready to attend a baby shower that I had made a diaper bag for, so I decided I had better go to the shower “in character.” Whenever I attend an event where my gift is hand crafted (which is every event I attend these days, I rarely buy gifts anymore) after my gift is opened, the next questions are always, “Do you sew clothes? Did you make what you’re wearing?” I’ve learned it’s easiest just to wear an outfit that I’ve made so I can answer, “Yes, and Yes.” At this particular shower the mama-to-be shrieked over her bag and pulled me to the front of the crowd. She was so sweet and kind and flattering. I was blushing and ready to shrink back into the corner in all my introvertedness.
I don’t view my skills as a rarity because I grew up around hand crafting. My mom, grandmas and aunts all sewed, crocheted, knitted, crafted with shells, and decorated cakes. My Dad and grandpas were woodworkers and photographers. The Narrator’s family is the same way with the same list of talents. All my sister-in-laws on both sides of the family are just as gifted. We’re all rather crafty and we love to create together when we can.
Nonetheless, I’m finding that this craftiness is slowly becoming part of my identity. During one of our pizza parties, I looked around the room and saw pieces of myself all over – flip flops I had crocheted fuzzy string around, a diaper bag I’d made, a dress I’d made for a little girl’s birthday, bibs I’d made, receiving blankets – all items I had created and given as gifts to my friends at some point in time. I stopped and smiled, because I realized all those items meant something to my friends, and hopefully they were a symbol of how much love I had put into each one of them.
So I guess if I had a superhero identity, I’d have an Amy Butler print cape with an appliqued pink “S” on the back. My superhero weapons would be a pair of tailor’s scissors, a tape measure and a set of knitting needles. You better watch out for those flying balls of yarn (tossed in love of course!!).
You’re definitely a superhero to this no-crafty-bone-in-my-body girl!
Keep up the awesome (and loving!) work!
Love this post – just goes to show how creative you are with words as well as with needles and thread and fabric and yarns and everything else!
Seriously, Amelia. I’m glad to see you write about something you are good at. Without bragging about yourself. Add humility and goodness to your list of super hero attributes. I actually labeled the bibs you made for my sale “super bibs”–because that’s just what they are! I love this post. And I hope some of your powers rub off on me…
You’re all so kind! Thank you! Jenna, I hope some of your baking/cooking super powers rub off on me!!
Love indeed. That’s my super power: http://derosia.com/phlog/post.php?post_id=527
Absolutely perfect, Topher!
My mother in law gave me a sewing machine this year for Christmas! I get to join the sewing fun now! Yeah!