A chuckle to start your day…
Yesterday as we were getting out of the car to go into Bible study, Little Miss found a hair clip on the floor and put it in her hair. “Look at my hair now!!” I told her it was beautiful. T-Rex then took his hand and rubbed it on the top of his head making his hair stick out in every direction. “Look at MY hair now!!”
T-Rex was teasing Housemate last night and wouldn’t let her get past him. She teased him back saying, “I’ll kick you!!” (with a pretend kick from her.) He responded, “No, I’ll kick YOU!” While they were giggling, Little Miss chimed in, “Housemate, kicking people is a SIN!!”
Oh… these stories are PRICELESS!
and then Narrator gave me a piece of candy, and told me he ate off the outside of the shell and Little Miss asks why, and I told her Narrator was teasing…no wait, he was LYING, which was also a sin!!