We said goodbye to Nana and Papa yesterday. Ugh. Never, ever fun saying bye to family – especially with 2 kids in the backseat crying as we pull out of the airport “I want them to stay foreeeeeveeeer!!!!” Sigh. It usually takes me a week or two to recover from airport drop offs. I try to find lots of happy things to do. So we will be stickering and coloring and gluing and going to a puppet show and everything else I can think of for the next week! In the mean time, we will also reminisce…
One day last week while Nana & Papa were here, the kids were going a bit stir-crazy. We’d had a string of cold (for us) days, and with the onset of the sniffles and an impending theme park day, I had been keeping the kids inside. Nana came up with this creative idea to occupy them for awhile. Inspired by our library storytime about ladybugs, she drew a ladybug on scrap paper for T-Rex and then he colored it in. She proceeded to cut it out, punch a hole in it, and tie a piece of yarn in the hole creating an indoor kite. Little Miss Sunshine drew her own bug (isn’t it so cute?!). The kids had a blast running through the house with their flying ladybugs.
Depending on your kids age and ability, they could do this project on their own – drawing and coloring the bug, cutting it out, making the hole and tying the string. I would suggest reinforcing the area around the hole with tape before punching it.
Hours of burning-off-energy fun!!
I love this idea! How fun! And what do you mean by cold? 🙂
By cold I mean, it actually froze overnight a few times and was in the 40s during the day 🙂 Maybe the 50s. That is cold for down here!
That is a cute idea! I’m sure it’s hard being so far from all your parents!! Glad you they come and visit so much!