According to Little Miss Sunshine and T-Rex…
1. You must eat cake on your birthday. It does not matter if your party is the day after your birthday, you MUST eat cake the day you were born.
2. It is best if the cake is chocolate for a variety of reasons:
a. chocolate is the hardest cake for Momma to frost, thus making it much more challenging for her, which is the point of toddlerhood.
b. chocolate is the messiest cake to eat, again see the second half of part a.
c. when your face is covered in chocolate cake, it is great fun to chant, “CHOCOLATE FAYCE!!”
3. You do not actually turn a year older until you have eaten your cake. So, T-Rex is still “one” until he eats his cake tonight, then after devouring the cake he shall be deemed “two.”
4. You must practice blowing out your candles. Two candles are much harder to blow out than just one. Blowing off your macaroni and cheese at lunch is good practice grounds.
5. All children living in the house of the birthday child must supervise and assist the Momma in the baking and decorating of the birthday cake. See the second half of 2 part a.
6. You are not allowed to sing “Happy Birthday” to the birthday child until there is a cake with a candle in front of him or her.
7. The birthday is all about the cake.
smart kids!!! 🙂