I totally meant for THIS to be the week that I finally got back into blogging every day. But then on Monday, I decided that THIS was going to be the week to potty train T-Rex. Last week we were at the park when he kept telling me “I have to go potty, I have to go potty!” I looked at him and said, “What? You’re in a diaper!” He then pooped. That was it. I knew it was time.
So with the exception of going to a suprise baby shower on Wednesday night, we spent the WHOLE WEEK in the bathroom, I mean at home, er um, in the bathroom at home. You see, T-Rex loves the bathroom. I think it might have something to do with getting to sit on a chair naked and read books, but he does love the bathroom. Or maybe it has to do with unrolling whole rolls of toilet paper and flushing the toilet 10 times in a row. I can’t imagine what our water bill will be next month! Oh yes, I supervised him, but I can only sit on a stool in the bathroom for so many hours at a time before I go crazy, or need to answer the phone, or pull something out of the oven. And he would just sit there forever, and I would sit there forever waiting for him to actually go.
However, 10 Resolve clean-ups later, and a few loads of laundry, and today we were accident free. I even managed to go to the libarary and Wal-Mart with him in underwear and we had NO MISHAPS! I am slightly sad to be losing the diaper bag – after all, I do enjoy carrying bags in fun colors to match my outfits. I guess I will just have to start sewing some smaller bags.
Last night, however, I wasn’t sure if we were ever going to turn the corner. Both kids were high strung and I felt like my head was going to explode. I had spent the entire day trying to keep T-Rex out of the bathroom, yet get him to go to the bathroom. The Narrator was handling the latest crisis and I was laying on the couch holding my head trying to prevent it from popping.
It was at this point that Little Miss Sunshine stood next to me and with a very concerned face asked, “Mama, what’s the matter?” I looked at her and with a slight grin said, “You guys are wearing me out!” Without skipping a beat or changing the very concerned look on her face replied, “That’s the way it is!!”
There are absolutely no words to describe her impeccable delivery of that line or how hard I laughed. Yes, truly, that’s the way it is in this house!!!
Years ago there used to be a famous newscaster that would always end his telecast with those words but that was way before Little Miss’ time. I will never forget her reaction to a “big storm coming”. That still gets me to smiling whenever I think about it!
Ah! Love it! Nothing like a comment like that to keep you going…
I hear yah about only being able to stay in the bathroom for so long…Addi loves to kiss the Elmo that is on her potty seat–which almost makes me gag. So I am constantly disinfecting the seat with kid-friendly cleaners knowing that it touches her mouth each and ever time she goes. Are you putting T in a diaper overnight or is he totally diaper-free? I’m still putting A in a diaper at night and keeping her in a crib. Not ready for full freedom or wet bed at night just yet.
Same with the head pop–I’m learning to tell my kids that I’m pretty tuckered out by them if they’ve been loud/naughty etc and that I need a few minutes to recover–by asking them what they can do to help me out–it puts the burden on them to help me find a solution to the harrowing moments and they often step up to the challenge of behaving for a few minutes and making sure mommy survives the day…because who will give them snacks if mommy pops and disappears?
That’s just too cute! Good to read up! I’ve been tempted to call and check in for like… all summer. But I can see you understand from experience, why these things just don’t happen!
Love to you and yours, girl!!! 🙂
It’s been a while, I hope all is well. I’ve given you an award on my blog. You and your fun stories make me smile.