For three days in a row this week, I have gotten up around 5:30 a.m. to go to the YMCA. Only my Mom and The Narrator will understand how big a deal this is for me. I only know one other person who is more night owl than me – my father-in-law. I’m sure that’s why he and I get along so swell. My most creative and productive times have always started at 9 p.m. Last week, after not making it to the Y at ALL, I conceded that the only regular time I will ever get to take care of myself and attempt to train for a race is early mornings. I sat down and had a long, hard think about it. Something had to give. Honestly, it can’t be sleep, because I can barely keep up with my two little ones (T-Rex has hit FULL toddler mode). That meant I had to re-arrange my evenings so I get to bed earlier so I can get up earlier. For a long, long time I have used the “I’m not a morning person” as an excuse to, well, not do mornings! I had no idea whatsoever if I could even convince my body to get out of bed, but then The Narrator gave me an ultimatum, “If you set the alarm and you’re not out of the house by 6 a.m. then I’m heading out to the Y.” He’s graciously giving me his mornings at the Y since he can still work out over lunch with the guys.
Monday morning, 5:50 a.m. I rushed out the door. Thirty seconds into my drive, I realized it could be quite dangerous to jump out of bed and start driving a car. I started smacking my face to wake up. I made it there and back safely and shocked my system for running thirty minutes straight. Not very fast, but I did run. And the kids gave me a beautiful gift that morning – they slept in until almost 8 a.m. Sweet wonder, I had a great morning – I read a little, started some laundry, straightened the house and tidied up the kitchen.
If only all days could be like Monday. Tuesday I made it out the door a little earlier. I’m slowly changing my patterns so my body will adjust. Each night I try to to go bed a little earlier and get up a little earlier. 5:40 and I was out the door. I had another nice workout, but by the time I came home, BOTH kids were up. Now this presents a problem because there is NO WAY I can skip a shower. When I exercise, I seriously sweat. My clothes are practically dripping. There is nothing ladylike about me after a workout. I once heard that ladies don’t sweat they “glisten.” Whatever. Fortunately for me, The Narrator had slept in and was still getting ready, so I quickly dashed through the shower while he shaved.
Wednesday, Wednesday. Let’s not repeat Wednesday. Ever. It started out great. I set the alarm for 5:15 and I think I left by 5:35. I’m giving myself a few minutes to wake up before driving a car!! My legs were pretty sore so the running wasn’t all that great, but it was better than sleeping in. Did I really just say that??? When I got home at 6:45, BOTH kids were up again. I was instantly grumpy. Instantly REALLY grumpy. I looked at The Narrator in desperation, “This really isn’t fair!! I’m trying to take care of myself. The least they can do is sleep until their normal time of 7:30!!!” T-Rex and Little Miss were both yawning, and then the whining and crying started. The Narrator left for work, and I was left to figure out how to get a shower. I put both kids in T-Rex’s crib with all the stuffed animals. They often will ask to play in his crib while I vacuum or just because they feel like playing in there. I thought this might work for me to get a shower. Five minutes into my shower Little Miss started crying, “T-REX BUMPED MY NOSE!!!!” Sigh. We survived, and I did finish my shower, but the rest of the day pretty much followed suit.
I shouldn’t have been surprised on day three that things would fall apart. I never should have expected that making positive changes in my life would be easy. And as I continue to learn, physical discipline is affecting every area of my life. I’ve been getting up early, listening to sermons while I run, having good quiet thoughts and prayers on the drive there and back, and structuring the rest of my day to make sure I get the most possible done in less time since I’m heading to bed two hours earlier than I used to. It’s healthy. All very healthy. Potentially life changing for me. Of course there will be resistance. And so, I press on. I asked for forgiveness for getting very grumpy. Then The Narrator had a conversation with me tonight about food, and what I should be eating before I head out the door. I think blood sugar contributed to the grumpiness this morning.
Live and learn. Press on.
But tomorrow, I’m taking a break. For two reasons – I’m not sure my legs can take any more and need a day of rest. So what better day to rest than after having stayed up late to watch Project Runway???HAHA!!