Even though I grew up in church, my children’s love for Jesus has taken me by surprise. Maybe I didn’t expect them to understand until they were a little older. Maybe I just underestimated the power of Jesus’ love. But there is definitely something about Him that speaks to very young children. Never underestimate how much your babies and toddlers are picking up from you and your church community.
A few nights ago I was rocking T-Rex to sleep and humming to help calm his squirminess when he said, “Jesus song!!!” It took me a second to comprehend what he’d said. “Jesus song, is that what you said?” He looked up at me and said, “YES!!! Jesus song!!!” I figured he must mean “Jesus love me” since my Mom sang that to the kids every night she was here. So I started singing. “Again!” And I sang it again and again and again. After we had finished multiple rounds of the song, I taught him to say, “Praise Jesus!!” whlie lifting his hands. Finally I laid him down in his crib and couldn’t help but smile the rest of the night. A couple mornings later, I woke up to T-Rex singing in his crib words and a tune that sounded very close to “Jesus Loves Me.” The routine continues every night: “Jesus song! Again!” But tonight, he added a new twist. As soon as I started singing he raised his hands saying, “Praise Jesus!” I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. It was one of the most precious moments I’ve shared with him in his nineteen months.
One afternoon while Little Miss Sunshine and T-Rex were playing she said to him, “Sit on my stomach!” She laid on the ground and he came over to sit on her, but he sat a little higher up on her chest. She squealed, “NOOO! Don’t sit on my heart!! You’ll squish Jesus!!” (I really don’t know where she picked up the “Jesus in my heart lingo” – The Narrator and I do our best to stay away from church catch phrases. I’m sure it must have been at church!)
Just last night, T-Rex and LIttle Miss Sunshine were in their swimsuits cooling off in a little plastic pool on the lanai. I was sitting in a chair watching as they ran around burning off energy. At one point they stopped and stood still while Little Miss inspected T-Rex’s belly button. “Is he in there?? I think he is.” T-Rex looked at her and said, “Yeah!” Then she looked at T-Rex and pointing to his belly button said, “I think that’s how Jesus gets in and out!”
A few days ago Little Miss developed this intense fascination with needing to see Jesus. She kept asking where He was and why she couldn’t go see Him. I found myself stumbling around with words that she could understand without unnecessarily complicating things. So we have awhile to go yet But in the mean time, they both have a precious developing love for Jesus that I pray will last their whole life time. I pray that loving Him never becomes complicated. And as I watch them, I begin to understand this “faith like a child” that Jesus referred to.
Liam reminded me this morning that we needed to pray before breakfast. At fifteen months, he put his hands together and said “Jees.” I asked him, “Do we need to pray to Jesus?” and he vigorously nodded his head. He also quickly made a habit of the “Jesus song” and will say “Jees” as soon as I sit down with him in the rocking chair before nap-time.
This faith of a child is soooo precious, and I pray with you that our children will fully understand Jesus’ love in their little lives. (The 4-year-old tends to show that she’s reprobate more than redeemed, but at least the seeds are planted!)
I was thinking of you just today, Heather! It’s so good to hear from you. Too too cute about Liam. They catch on so quickly at this age. I should do another post about how apparent it is how much we really do need Jesus as toddlers. Who-hee!!! Sin nature shows itself so soon!
23 of our 40 minute drive home from the cabin today was my kids singing the phrase, “Jesus conquered the grave” at the top of their lungs over and over. If it’s coming out (even at the oddest times and places) it must be seeping in. And I’m so glad.
This is beautiful! What sweet little stories about Jesus.
I’ve enjoyed stopping by!
Nina could sing Jesus Loves Me before she could even talk much. (that was our rocking song) I would loooooove to know how much our little ones understand about Jesus. (probably more than us in some ways)
kids are amazing–i thought i’d heard everything until i started teaching sunday school. they come up with the best questions!
Ooh, Jenna! I love that song. We sang it Sunday and I’ve been humming it all week. It’s beautiful to see how much they are catching at this age isn’t it?
Thank you for stopping by, Rena!
Marla, I agree! I think there are things that our wee ones understand about Jesus that somewhere in our complicated adult minds we have forgotten.
Sarah, I can only imagine what you’ve heard teaching Sunday School! One day, probably in the near future, I’d love to teach in a two-year old classroom on Sundays.
What a sweet story! I think you’re right: that is what “faith of a child” is. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for stopping by, Rebecca!
I so agree! I have thought several times that nothing in life has helped me in my relationship with God more than becoming a parent. I see so much more the faith of a child like you said. I also see so much in our relationship that helps me better understand my relationship with God and his love, care, discipline, boundaries, guidance, etc. for me.
Bug’s favorite song for the longest time has been “Holy, Holy, Holy.” He got a children’s book of hymns for Christmas and for a while we had a hymn of the month which we would sing each night. Even though we’ve sung others, this has been his favorite & what he always requests. There have been many times that we will be grocery shopping, playing on the playground, or other places and seemingly out of nowhere, he will begin singing it. He doesn’t care or even realize who is around or listening to him. He just loves to praise Jesus and does so whenever the urge hits. What a reminder to me to not let social pressures stifle my urges to praise Jesus!
I’m a little behind and just catching up with your wonderful writing…I loved this entry. Everyday (in the midst of the craziness at our home) the kids want to ask or share something about Jesus. Funny that Bessers mentioned Holy Holy Holy. We sing it together EVERY NIGHT. Both kids get to choose one song each and it is the first choice…and Jesus Loves Me is next.
Today in the car, just before we saw you, we were listening to “Shine” and J asked what it meant to shine. It was an interesting conversation, trying to explain how we need to be real-life light bulbs to an almost 4 year old and 2 year old! I just pray that God will continue help me (all of us) to use these opportunities and speak His truth to our children!!!