One night last week as I was sewing again, I heard another REALLY LOUD BUMP that shook the house. It sounded like something had landed on the roof. A herd of cats? Not unheard of in this neighborhood. An alien spaceship? Maybe not such a far out idea.
This time, fortunately, the Narrator was home and I didn’t have to wake up my Dad who was still 1200 miles away.
“Did you hear that REALLY LOUD BUMP?”
(calmly) “Yes.”
“Don’t you think you should go outside and look and make sure everything is ok and there’s nothing on the roof?”
“It’s dark outside. I won’t be able to see anything.”
“Still, don’t you think you should look?”
(sighs) “Ok, where’s the flashlight?”
“Um…I don’t think we have one.”
(gives me a look that says he’s totally obliging my obsessiveness and heads outside.)
(a few minutes later as he comes back inside) “Didn’t see anything.” (without even a hint of I told you so!)
The next day he comes home from work with a smirk on his face.
“You know that REALLY LOUD BUMP you heard last night?”
“All of Florida heard it.”
“What??? Did we have an earthquake???” (does Florida even get earthquakes?)
“It was the space shuttle returning to Florida. It was breaking the sound barrier (with “double sonic booms”). And this is the second time it has returned to Florida recently, so that is probably what you heard that night I was out of town and you woke me up.”
By this time, I am cracking up. One of the first things my dear Dad had mentioned that night of the first REALLY LOUD BUMP was that if something had broken the sound barrier the neighbors would have heard it too. I was like, “Huh? What would be breaking the sound barrier??” Hmm. The space shuttle maybe? Oh my goodness. Well, when was the last time the space shuttle shook YOUR house?? π
Too cute! I wouldn’t have thought of that being the cause….
So glad it wasn’t some pesky aliens! Hate that! π
I never would have thought of it either! And we certainly don’t need pesky aliens hanging around here! π
That’s awesome! I love this story!
hehe. Learning to laugh at myself π
lol it freaked me out too! i was lucky that my dad was home to explain it!! π