Brain. Over. Load. Can’t. Think. Straight.
The whole coveting thing? Yeah. Didn’t work. I’ll just leave it at that.
I can’t even begin to tell you how funny I thought it was that the 6th World Congress on the Aging Male was held at the same time as the Original Sewing and Quilting Expo. The hallways were filled with old men falling asleep over newspapers and old women knitting and crocheting. For some reason I found that to be so ironic. And funny.
I was the youngest person I saw all day on Friday. I got a lot of nice smiles and even a hug from one instructor who upon talking about something from 1974 and then asked to make sure we were all born by 1974 and I had to sheepishly raise my hand and admit that NO, I had not been born yet in 1974, gave me a hug and said she was so glad I was there because sewing is a dying art and those who have been sewing for 50 years are so sad and so forth.
I never realized that if you joined the American Sewing Guild you got a discount at JoAnns. I will be joining. I’ll even participate in the local meetings. The local area president was showing off everything in the booth (I met her over dinner). She wants me to join. Bus trips where I’m the youngest person by 30 years will be FUN! I’m serious. I love that.
Now I need to put my fusible thread and shrinking thread away and find a home for all these zippers that were $.10. And the 5 yards of elastic for $1. I’m so tired, but I doubt I’ll be able to sleep because my brain is whirring with ruching ribbon and curves and darts and draping and sewing on the bias and…..
Wow joining the ASG that’s great. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to join that group. Do you remember as a girl scout when our troop had a project to make these hand puppets? It was a project from the ASG. I thought when I moved here that I would be joining the ASG (they even met one Saturday a month @ the JoAnns nearby) but somehow I never made the connections. Not sure now where they meet or who is in charge. Neat charitable group to belong to though.
Can’t wait til our visit when you can show me all the great stuff you learned this past weekend and glad your serger is running okay. You will enjoy your class.
i’m soooo bummed i missed all this fun!! man, i would have the baby of the group it sounds like 🙂 well, i will just have to take all the wisdom you learned then!! yay for sewing!!
Mom, click on the link in this post and it will take you to the ASG site. You can find your local chapter on the site and when they meet. You can even join online. you should do it! They do a lot of nice charity work too. I’m sure someone in your TLL group belongs.
Joy, mark your calendar for next year – March 19-21~ It will be fun! Can’t wait to show you what all I learned. You would definitely be the baby! And they would love that! You should join ASG with me, for real!
I checked out the ASG and I know where they are meeting now except all their meetings are on Sunday afternoons and I’m not willing to give up my Sunday afternoons for now. Maybe I will wait and join when we move. 🙂