Dear bloggy friends pray for me tomorrow that I will resist the ever-present temptation to covet and will instead practice the discipline of contentment! I’m headed to a big sewing expo in town this week and will be taking lots of fun classes packing my brain full of new tips and tricks that I’ll be anxious to try out. Tomorrow I’ll be spending three hours hunched over a shiny new serger while I learn “super slick serger tricks!” While I’m ruffling and rouching, it will be tempting to want to figure out a way to take the nice borrowed class serger home as opposed to being thankful for the durable, sturdy workhorse that sits waiting for me on my work space. Sigh.
So if you don’t hear from me much this week, know that I’m draping, pinning, ruffling, and rouching to my heart’s content and until my brain can’t hold any more new information.
Make it work.
I hear ya, sistah. There’s such a fine balance between “this would make everything SO much more efficient and better” and “what I have works fine – why upgrade?” As the Word says, to everything there is a season… a time for a better serger, a time to refrain from buying sergers. (insert the word “whistle” for “serger” and you’ll have a picture of my world…) 😀
Jenna – I love Tim Gunn!!!
Cal, oh such a balance…..such a balance..ahh…..yes um more to come on this story.