Having kids in your life, whether they are your own, nieces or nephews, neighbors or friends adds such joy to your life. What I’m finding to be the best at the age we are at is the developing vocabulary and conversational skills. I’m seeing the world and relationships through a whole new light, or maybe it’s a light I have forgotten in the past 28 years. Anyway, I love to remember the funny things they say and do, and I love to LAUGH. Nothing makes me laugh more than funny kid stories, not to mention the sanity it gives me during those not-so-funny moments. And so I’m beginning Friday Funnies. I will share my funny conversations/stories from the week, and I’d love to hear yours too! We can all have ourselves a good laugh at the honesty and hilariousness of things kids say and do. So whether you leave your quotes or story in the comments or link to your own blog, I hope you’ll share the funniness from your corner of kid-zone.
A couple nights ago I was getting T-Rex’s medicine ready while Little Miss Sunshine was begging for medicine too. After informing her that she wasn’t sick and therefore didn’t need any medicine, I headed over to T-Rex with the syringe and he started to slurp down his meds. Little Miss Sunshine hollered out, “OH NO!! You’ve got the wrong kid!!”
While driving to the store I had to hit the brakes abruptly and from the back seat I heard, “Momma, were you not paying attention?”
I was at the chiropractor this week for a much-needed adjustment and my very kind chiropractor was chit-chatting with the kids as he always does before giving me my adjustment. Little Miss Sunshine was carrying her Baby.
Chiro: That’s a very nice baby. Is it a boy or a girl?
LMS: It’s a girl
Chiro: Does she have a name?
LMS: It’s Baby L.
Chiro: I like that name, and I like her outfit, that’s very nice.
Storygirl: Tell him who made the outfit for Baby L.
Chiro: Someone made that outfit? Wow!
LMS: My Nana (pronounced N-ah-na) did.
Chiro: Your Nana (said “a” as in apple) did? Tell her I really like it.
LMS: (Looks him straight in the eye and says very matter of factly) It’s N-ah-na.
I debated for half a second whether to be appalled that my three-year-old was correcting a physician’s pronunciation, especially seconds before he grabs my neck. He’s a great sport and thought it was funny. When I re-told it to the Narrator that night, he couldn’t stop laughing. LMS is very matter-of-fact, unassuming and super sweet in her demeanor. It’s an “of course you should know this, so I must tell you” and not an “I’m right, you’re wrong, so there” attitude, which makes it THAT much funnier upon delivery.
My big dude is the same way but, he goes more of the other way. I hope she stays sweet in her correction. N has a mind like a steal trap as he likes to tell me. He will remember every detail and if we re-tell anything off…even a word he’s sure the let us know. I’m sure God will use this quality to make our kids great leaders!