She woke up thinking it was just another day. Little Miss Sunshine walked groggily down the hallway but smiling this morning when I cheerily announced, “Do you know what day it is today?” She looked at me and smiled, “My birthday?” Yes it is!!! And the highlight of the day? The cake. Every ten minutes she opened the door to the fridge just to look at it. I’m quite sure the electric bill will double this month even though we aren’t running heat or air conditioning!
She requested to have a couple friends over for dinner tonight and I was happy to agree. It was a meal fit for a princess – chicken fingers and home made macaroni and cheese (all at her request). I threw in a salad and veggies for healthy measure. She quickly finished her meal and announced that she was done. I knew what that meant – cake. Really, it was all about the cake today. But I told her she had to wait until everyone was finished. So what did the little princess do? She went and sat on a stool at the counter and stared at the cake until we were ready to cut it. And break my heart – we sang happy birthday to her and SHE sang the loudest – to herself!! It was a riot. And to top it off, she knew she was supposed to blow out the candle and she did. When did my baby grow up and realize not only what her birthday is but that you’re supposed to blow out candles too???
So my made from scratch cake was – eh, ok. I’m sure I can do better. The best part really was the cream cheese frosting which Little Miss Sunshine proceeded to scrape off the remainder of the cake. So much for sharing with the neighbors!
After awhile she realized there were presents and a flurry of tissue paper was followed by glitter and princess bling as we filled a dress up box that Grandpa crafted and Daddy painted. I forsee many rounds of dancing and fashion shows. T-Rex just likes to open and shut the lid to the box. Good thing Grandpa used a safety toy box feature thingy.
And now I understand why birthdays as an adult aren’t that big of a deal. Once you have kids you get so much joy watching them enjoy their day that yours pales in comparison. (But that doesn’t get you off the hook, Narrator, when mine comes around in a few weeks. 🙂
Happy Birthday, Little Miss Sunshine!
Aww, I love imagining her joy and excitement about her cake! So precious! You are so right about why our birthdays are not as big of a deal anymore….the kids’ are much more fun! (Plus-THEY like the idea of getting older!) Happy Birthday to Little Miss Sunshine!
I think you are right, there’s something about 3. Sebastian just turned three the end of December and he blew his candles out too and I thought, how did he know that. Sounds like you had a great day!
So true, Lora, so true!! Although she thought today that maybe next birthday she’d go back to being 2. Apparently 2 was a good age. lol.
Heather, three has definitely caught me by surprise, in a good way! I didn’t realize our two were so close in age. Too fun!