I’m so excited to share with you Unquenchable: Grow a Wildfire Faith that Will Endure Anything, a new book just released by Carol Kent. Be sure to enter the give away for a copy of this great book at the bottom of this post!

I first met Carol several years ago when I attended the Speak Up Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Carol is an excellent Bible teacher, storyteller, and is committed to helping others grow in their faith and ministry callings.
I picked up Unquenchable, knowing that I would learn so much from Carol’s wise teachings of the Bible. I sat down to read “just one chapter,” and finally put the book down after finishing nearly half the book! Through her own stories, and the stories of others, Carol weaves in teachings that will fan the flames of your faith, and encourage you no matter what you are facing.
One of my favorite lines came from the first chapter:
“The challenge we all face is that life can dim our fire or even quench it, whether by the soggy mist of the mundane or the quenching downpour of crisis.” Isn’t that so true?
Carol offers encouragement as one who has been through the firestorm of crisis. She doesn’t offer “easy answers,” and sometimes leaves us with our questions, knowing there simply aren’t answers. But there is God, and He is there in the midst of our pain offering His love.
This would make an excellent book for a small group or book club. Each chapter concludes with a few questions and a “Fire-Building Challenge,” which includes practical steps to grow your faith.
Here’s a little info from the publisher:
Where is your faith today—first sparks of faith, bright blue flames, radiating heat, raging bonfire, red-hot coals, cooling embers, cold grey ashes? Is your love for God burning so brightly that you are consumed by its passion? Are those who surround you drawn to its radiance and warmed by its heat? Are sparks flying from you, spreading a wildfire faith that ignites passion in others?
Or has your passion cooled, your light dimmed, or your fire been quenched?
God is the source of that first flicker that sparked your faith and one day you will stand in his holy presence, look into the flaming eyes of Jesus, and see his burning love for you face to face. But between that first flicker and that heavenly meeting, there is life to be lived on this earth. The challenge we all face is that life can dim our fire or even quench it, whether by the soggy mist of the mundane, or the quenching downpour of crisis.
Carol Kent has discovered that God’s Word is filled with the secrets of nurturing his fire in our lives, sometimes painfully so, other times even undetected, refining, purifying, cauterizing, healing, and ultimately reshaping us into the image of his Son.
Author and speaker Carol Kent will take you into God’s word, and into your own story, to reveal the true power of the fire God has placed in you, to fan the flames of your faith, stir your passion, and embolden you to spark wildfires that will spread to forever change the landscape of this world beyond your wildest imagination.
Here’s a short video from Carol, sharing about Unquenchable:
 Please enter the give away below! The drawing will stay open until Monday February 24 at midnight!
If you are interested in growing a speaking or writing ministry, or you are involved in ministry leadership, check out Carol’s Speak Up Conference, coming to Grand Rapids, Michigan June 26-28, 2014. Registration is now open! I’ll be there again this year, and I would love to see you!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*I think I’m supposed to say that I got this book free from publisher in exchange for a review. All opinions about the book are my own.
I heard Carol speak & have read her books & her words are always life changing. I would love win this book as my one word for 2014 is “Faith”. I would describe my faith as alive & growing at this point in my life. Grateful that He is the One keeping it that way! Thank you for the opportunity!
I love your word for 2014, Joanne! So true that He is the One who continues to help our faith grow and stay alive. You will enjoy the book!
Great post, Amelia! I love Carol. She’s such an encouraging woman.
She truly is! The book is very encouraging too.
I love Carol Kents books. I’m sure Unquenchable is encouragement and inspiration.
It is Sylvia! Thanks for entering!
This would be a great book for a study at church! Teaching faith starts with an ever growing faith.
Yes, you are right! Teaching faith begins with our own growing faith. It would make a fantastic group discussion guide.
Looks like a great book! One worth sharing with others.
It is for sure, mom! 🙂
Been away too long
Murph, it’s never too late to return. Thanks so much for stopping by. May you feel God’s love for you today.
I can’t wait to read this book! Carol Kent is an incredibly gifted writer, speaker, & Bible teacher. This book addresses exactly where I am in my life right now! I am in the midst of a Bible study & part of it was talking about how we are to NEVER stop growing – personally & corporately. This book will be the perfect tool for both! It will “spur me on” & lead me to share with many, many others around the world what the Lord reveals through this exciting new book. I want my coals to become WILDFIRE FAITH again! I had the most difficult year of my life last year & my God was FAITHFUL but I am just physically tired. Looking to restore my Wildfire Faith & completely forget how tired I am!
Lisa, this book would definitely spur you on! I love your excitement; it’s contagious! May you feel the refreshing winds of God fanning your faith and restoring your energy!
Hi, Amelia. Great post. Carol Kent’s book sounds wonderful. This year began with a mayor loss for me. One thing that became evidently clear is that even when it felt like God was silent, He was there and didn’t give me more than I could bear. Increasing our faith in God is absolutely instrumental for getting through life. Hope faints without it.